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My kitten

   Discussion: My kitten
Sara Woodward · 18 years, 11 months ago
*hugs* not to worry. he's a kitten and sounds quite normal for that age. he'll grow out of some of it and the rest you'll learn to love. :)

in the meantime, try some toys for him to play with and attack and bat around. mine like paper bags, cardboard boxes (Grover also uses these to scratch his claws, we just toss them when they get too ratty), hiding in the laundry bag and attacking a washcloth i drag back and forth in front of the bag (Hamlet), the rings off the top of milk and water jugs (on a hard floor so it moves easily when batted), and they do like the feathers on a stick and catnip.

we used Frontline to take care of fleas. hold the cat, squeeze this liquid stuff between his shoulder blades, and voila (don't pet for the next 24 hours). much easier and less scary for them than spray.

the scratch thing he has is great. spray the corner he is scratching with Bitter Apple (from a pet store) and he should stop that.

kitty litter, i'm not sure. does he use the litter on the floor or the stuff still in the box. if he uses the stuff on the floor, maybe there's something about the box he doesn't like? if it's covered, try taking the top off, or getting one that's different somehow until you find something you and he both like. you might also check if maybe it's the type of litter you are using that he's not thrilled with. if he uses the litter in the box, but scoops out some onto the floor, maybe fill it a little less full? if that doesn't help, i guess a frequent broom and dustpan? :)

it takes a while for adjusting and settling in to happen. you'll get there! *hugs*
Annika Back · 18 years, 11 months ago
Thank you!
With the litter, he does it after I've cleaned the litter box and he plays with it when it's on the floor..� I love that I spend so much money on toys and he plays with the litter...� heh.

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