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   Discussion: Myspace
Samantha · 19 years ago

Does anyone else here have Myspace? ..

Annika Back · 19 years ago
I do!
Sarah · 19 years ago
Kris 'engaged' Bedient Back · 19 years ago
lawrence · 19 years ago
if I give them my email address, will it end up in the hands of thousands of damn dirty spammers?

they haven't exactly made that clear.

(ETA: also, how does this one differ from friendster and orkut? or is it basically just another version of the same thing?)
Annika Back · 19 years ago
I haven't had any problem with it yet.
Songbill Back · 19 years ago
It's the same idea.
*joolee* Back · 19 years ago
same thing! :)

I was on orkut for a while and got bored of it. While a lot of my friends are joining up with MySpace, I'm just not feeling it.
lawrence Back · 19 years ago
heh. yeah, I'm on orkut and friendster, but I've never had an experience on either of them that made them seem worthwhile - just a lot of spam, no real contacts or anything. just collecting a list of friends, which seems rather pointless.
*joolee* Back · 19 years ago
Heh, so optimistic, but yeah. I find it is more of a status mechanism than something of real use. But then again, much of the internet is self-indulgent.

But to give it some credit, it does allow musicians to make group sites and post music and have a wider base of exposure and whatnot. That's good, right? :)
lawrence Back · 19 years ago
But then again, much of the internet is self-indulgent.

and the award for 'understatement of the century' goes to...... :)

But to give it some credit, it does allow musicians to make group sites and post music and have a wider base of exposure and whatnot.

True, that is one important difference between MySpace and the others.
goovie is married! Back · 19 years ago
that's the only reason i'm on myspace. it's actually been really useful, music-wise.
*joolee* Back · 19 years ago
I'm a winner!!! Do I get a trophey? Or a pizza? Or a pizza trophey?
Agent Scully Back · 19 years ago
I joined 'cuz everyone else was...and I found the site annoying.

The layout, trying to customize it, maneuvering around it etc.

I wound up around a week ago deleting my account.
Bender · 19 years ago
MySpace is the work of the devil. Ugh ugh ugh.
caroline: tired. Back · 19 years ago
I second that emotion. Not so much the idea of it all, just how some kids my age use it.
Bender Back · 19 years ago
I find that, somehow, the format encourages behavior even more childish than the behavior on livejournal.

As we all know, livejournal has the ability to turn the best of us into squabbling twelve-year-olds.

Also, MySpace's format is sloppy and not intuitive at all.
caroline: tired. Back · 19 years ago
I find that, somehow, the format encourages behavior even more childish than the behavior on livejournal.

I agree. It's as bad as xanga, which is pretty bad. Both of them play music, which is annoying when you're listening to your own and would rather not hear "My Humps."
*joolee* Back · 19 years ago
Wow, I never needed to know that a song existed with that title.

caroline: tired. Back · 19 years ago
sorry. :)

it's really long...considering it shouldn't exist in the first place, way too long.
Annika Back · 19 years ago

Omg.. I cannot stand that song.� When did it become sexy to call your breasts "lovely lady lumps"?

*joolee* Back · 19 years ago
Oh man, now it's left the realm of saddening and entered into WTF. *shake head*
Annika Back · 19 years ago
Oh hey I'm a big liar. �I just read the lyrics and she's talking about her ass not her breasts.. Still though. wtf.
Real-Accordion! Back · 19 years ago
In english class. While writing poetry.
My teacher turns on the radio.

Oh jesus this song is long. Least inspiring music ever.
Annika Back · 19 years ago

How can this not inspire you?

"I could be your baby, you can be my honey
Lets spend time not money.
I mix your milk wit my cocoa puff,
Milky, milky cocoa,
Mix your milk with my cocoa puff, milky, milky riiiiiiight."

I mean.. I'm inspired..
I actually kind of like the Black Eyed Peas, but this song makes me question that.

nate... Back · 19 years ago
The scarier thing is that so many of you KNOW this song.


Kinda... makes you want to lose hope for humanity.

Annika Back · 19 years ago

heh.� It's on the radio a lot and at the clubs.

caroline: tired. Back · 19 years ago

i can't help it. believe me, you have no idea how much awful music i am subjected to. against my will.

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