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Working on a FruGift...

   Discussion: Working on a FruGift...
Kevin · 16 years, 7 months ago
Hey gang,
I'm posting in search of help with putting together the ultimate Christmas gift for my older brother, who helped turn me on to Fruvous when I was 11.  I was lucky enough to see them with him seven of the eight times that he got to catch them live, and I'd really like to put together a collection of recordings from every show that he was at.  I know it's a very lofty goal, but I'm hoping that my fellow Fruheads can help me out.  Whatever I can do in return for you, please let me know.  The shows we saw:

June 26, 1997 - Manhattan Square Park
November 8, 1997 - Harro East Ballroom
May 23, 1998 - Lilac Festival
July 24, 1998 - Harborfet (Oswego)
April 9, 1999 - Rochester Institute of Technology
November 24, 1999 - Harro East Ballroom
April 29, 2000 - SUNY Geneseo (I missed this one myself)
August 31, 2000 - Milestones

We were also at WBER for the studio visit on August 10, 1999.  We didn't get to go to the Thornhil release show because the tickets went on sale (and sold out) while we were camping in a tent in the middle of nowhere, so we figured we'd at least see them there.  If someone actually recorded that, I'd love to include it in the collection.

Please let me know if you can help me in any way with this project.  I know it's asking a lot, but it would mean so much to me (and hopefully my brother) to be able to pull this off.  Thanks!!!
Paul D. Beasi Back · 16 years, 7 months ago
Looks like you can get the 11/24/99 show here:
dgodwin Back · 16 years, 7 months ago
April 9, 1999 - Rochester Institute of Technology

This show was not taped successfully...

I've been doing retransfers of my DAT tapes and I'll be uploading shows, including the 8/31 soon.  You can see what's available now at:
Kevin · 16 years, 4 months ago
Daniel, I finally got around to downloading the 8/31 Milestones show today. It sounds phenomenal! It's been almost a decade since then, and I still remembered the "Boss C" part - what a great set. The only two I'm missing at this point that I made it to myself are Manhattan Square Park and the Lilac Festival. Were either of those taped? Obviously not going to make anything happen in time for Christmas, but I'd be very interested in hearing those at any point in the future.

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