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You know you miss Fruvous if...

   Discussion: You know you miss Fruvous if...
Larry · 16 years ago
You know you miss Fruvous if.....

1) You've downloaded and listened to all 46 shows from

2) You listen to Jian Ghomeshi's podcast daily and pretend it's live show banter

3) You've gone to Great Big Sea concerts just to see Murray

4) You've bought Mike Ford's Canadian history CDs

5) You replay in your head over and over again the last time you saw them (2000 for me)

6) You wonder what is the maximum length of a hiatus
Brian Dinsky · 15 years, 11 months ago
Jian? Who?? Oh, I know! Jian is that lady that says "swing it" on Gotta Get A Message! :P
Mamalissa! · 15 years, 11 months ago
I only got 5 out of 6. I guess I'd better go listen to Jian's podcast...
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 15 years, 11 months ago
Don't do it. You're so young, you have so much to live for.

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