Read about this early this morning. Thoughts?
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Thought's on Steven Page's departure from BNL? |
Thought's on Steven Page's departure from BNL?
Ugh, I'm not gonna lie. I died a little inside.
What the heck is with these awesome Canadian bands that I love not existing as I knew them when I first got into them? BNL was my second love after Früvous. GREAT BIG SEA. YOU HAVE BEEN FOREWARNED. THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES IF YOU CHANGE YOUR LINEUP. ('Cept maybe to get Murray to tour with Früvous again.)
This song takes on new meaning now, doesn't it? (I have yet to hear a song that gives me greater chills than that song has done. Every time I hear it, I cry and my ) You must first create an account to post.
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