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The Dear Hunter

   Discussion: The Dear Hunter
Sam Dabrusin · 15 years, 9 months ago
Has anyone else heard of this band? My friend introduced me to them about 8 months ago, but I never really started listening to them until about one month ago.

The band sort of started out as a solo project but now is emerging as a full band effort. The premise for the project is a concept album set/rock opera spanning 6 albums, telling the story of a boy, from his conception to his death. But this neat concept is really only a bonus, a sort of icing on the cake, the cake being the actual music itself, which is amazing. It encompasses many genres, emotions, styles, rhythmic feels (When was the last time you heard a really cool song in 5?!?), with lots of cool vocal ideas as well (interesting background vocals/lots of sung harmony in general). This is really rewarding music, and I seriously recommend it for all of you. 

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