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Webcomic by Yours Truly

   Discussion: Webcomic by Yours Truly
J. Andrew World · 13 years, 6 months ago

Okay, I started a webcomic as warm-up  exorcize. But I enjoy doing it. I really can crank out the pages and this week, I hope to have enough comics to get me to the middle of April. I may switch it from 4 times a week to 5 times a week. Please read and let me know what you think!     


J. Andrew World Back · 13 years, 5 months ago

Okay, that link is dead. Drunk Duck lost my account and I am with Webcomics nation now. You can read it at Webcomics Nation

J. Andrew World Back · 13 years, 5 months ago

 Tuesday 5/3 marks the first new strip since Drunk Duck crashed. Excited? Me too. So here is the deal, we want to come back in a big way and reward my readers and followers especially people who have enjoyed my comic from the beginning. At midnight on 5/3 I will post something on twitter and I will select one person at random who will retweets that post to win some art used in "Right About Now" Just follow @jandrewworld 

For more details, you can visit the comic or check it out here.

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