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· 19 years, 11 months ago
Fr�vous Fan reporting in... (Hey Lynne BTW)
I am a GBS fan converting... Already have Wood and Bargainville...A live-cd (forgot the name) is on its way...
I LOVE King of Spain and My Baby Loves...
Well now that I got some cds...is there a DVD or at least a concert video???
Love, Hedda
Hey Hedda - Sounds like you collection of CD's is pretty good.� I'd suggest��You Will Go to the Moon if you decide to make an additional purchase, but unfortunately there's no commercially released DVD/concert video.� There are some music videos they did and some concert footage (of variable quality) which you might be able to trade for though. Anyway, welcome to FHDC.� In case you lose your bearings, just remember that Murray is always on the left. You must first create an account to post.
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