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top 20

   Discussion: top 20
Paul · 17 years, 8 months ago
Top 20 releases Folk  - January - 2007

1 Gray Sky Girls - Gray Sky Girls
2 David Lamotte - Change
3 Larry Unger & Ginny Snowe - Waltz Time II
4 Kim & Reggie Harris - Get On Board
5 Mission Street Project - Liberty Tree
6 Burns Sisters Band - Wild Bouquet
7 David Rovics - Halliburton Boardroom Massacre
8 Laura Bullocks - Points North
9 Roy Zimmerman - Faulty Intelligence
10 Sherry Austin - Drive on Back
11 Mad Agnes - Revenants
12 Gob Iron - Death Songs for the Living
13 Klezmatics - Wonder Wheel
14 Lauren Sheehan - Two Wings
15 The Duhks - Migrations
16 Patrick Fitzsimmons - Live, The Birthday Shows
17 Freebo - Before the Separation
18 Catie Curtis - Long Night Moon
19 Patti Witten - Tell the Wind
20 Darrell Scott - The Invisible Man
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 17 years, 8 months ago
Top 20 in terms of what according to whom?
goovie is married! Back · 17 years, 8 months ago
my question exactly.
Paul Back · 17 years, 8 months ago
It is the top 20 of all the new folk music recordings released in January 2007 according to the folk dj list I subscribe to.

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