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Photo Gallery: sarahelizabet

Another picture from the Halloween celebration at work.
Viewed 1741 times
Me with the band Rubyhorse at my campus.
Viewed 1850 times
Me wearing my Halloween wig for our Halloween day at work.
Viewed 1788 times
Bonnie and I at Christmas.
Viewed 1878 times
Me in the Maine Mall at Halloween.
Viewed 1925 times
A recent picture of me at Halloween.
Viewed 1884 times
Another picture of Lucy. Isn't she cute?
Viewed 1814 times
My dad, Lucy and me when I was 14.
Viewed 1762 times
My father, Bonnie as a puppy and my first dog Lucy.
Viewed 1783 times
Another puppy picture of Bonnie. She was 7 weeks old.
Viewed 1749 times
Me when I was 14 and Bonnie as a puppy at 2 weeks.
Viewed 1785 times
My dog Bonnie.
Viewed 1519 times

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