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Would you rather have someone whipped or be whipped yourself?
Have someone whipped |
6 (17%) |
Be whipped |
4 (11%) |
Neither |
25 (71%) |
And I mean in the slang term, not as in sexual bondage.� People say this a lot "my girlfriend's got me whipped."� And I think a lot of girls enjoy having their boyfriends "whipped."� A lot of us don't like that kind of power though.� This question came to me at like 3 AM and i thought where better to post such a question than with the Fruheads?
um, what does "whipped" mean in this context, then, if it's not referring to sexual practices or actual whipping?
your girlfriend has you "whipped" if she has "the power" in the relationship. cos. you know. god forbid a woman ever be stronger than a man.
well, yes.
They should be equals....
well, yeah. if you'll check my post below, you'll see that i agree with you. unfortunately, this equality doesn't always happen.
what upsets me is that when a man has the upper hand in a heterosexual relationship, no one says anything about it. think about it: there's no slang term for the female equivalent of "whipped." on some level, whether outwardly or inwardly, many still hold to the sexist notion that women should be subordinate to men. if a woman is perceived to have the upper hand, then it's cause for deriding the man and calling him "whipped."
I've actually heard it used for both men AND women.
really? because as i understand it, "whipped" in this context is actually short for "pussy-whipped." i'd google to be sure, but somehow i think the sites that search would bring up would be nsfw. :)
see, I've heard both.
I'm not sure what the origin is.... I only know how I've heard it used.
"your girlfriend has you "whipped" if she has "the power" in the relationship. cos. you know. god forbid a woman ever be stronger than a man." I don't mean that the man should be stronger than the woman. I think it should be equal.� I dont' like the idea of anybody being a doormat.� But I do know some guys who like saying, "Man, I am so whipped."� in a sort of facetious way becuase it means they're head over heels and the girl has them wrapped around her finger. My whole thing is that even though it's sometimes regarded as romantic to have that influence over someone, it creates a disequilibrium.� I prefer mutual respect and stuff.� That seems to be the common response here too.
i'm not saying anyone here has a problem with relationships based on mutual respect and equality. the majority of fruhead couples, at least in my experience, seem to have very strong and equal relationships.
that's interesting that you've heard people use the term in a facetious and/or romantic way; i guess my main experience with it has been hearing guys use it to put down their friends. "your girlfriend isn't letting you go to the bachelor party? dude, you're so whipped."
and like you, i don't see the romance in an unequal relationship. to me, there's nothing sweet about it.
Yeah.... *nods*
I've heard people use it that way, too.
Like, in the cute... guy-admitting-he's-in-love way.
Not very often, though.
um, what does "whipped" mean in this context, then, if it's not referring to sexual practices or actual whipping? There's a song to explain it all to you: http://www.stevegoodie.com/whipped.mp3� I like either no one being whipped, or if the guy's whipped, he's only a *little* whipped.� You know, as long as he still has some cajones ;)
Now you'll get someone asking you about cojones...
(aren't cajones a kind of drum?)
· 21 years, 7 months ago
You should really have clarified that before asking us to vote! Some of us have opinions on these things!
I prefer just complete honesty. No whipping.
i think the whole "whipped" concept is really offensive, actually. and i'm proud to say that my relationship with my boyfriend is a *partnership* of two people who love each other and share equally in decision-making and all other aspects.
*gets off annoyingly high horse* :)
And having seen you two in action, I can say this: there's just pure sugar running through the veins of your relationship.� Oooey gooey love! ;);)
heee! which one's ooey and which one's gooey? :)
heee! which one's ooey and which one's gooey? :) Aw heck, you guys can decide that.� ;)�
or "ooey goovie love", maybe?
· 21 years, 7 months ago
in the words of my new cliche, "I love you, Carey."
i love you, too, leah.
mmm...leah. :)
· 21 years, 7 months ago
does this mean I get to join the orgy?
You aren't me so you get to join the orgy.
what if in a relationship both tha girl and guy are so called ''wipped'' is that a bad thing???
Personally I think only cream should be whipped.
lol nice....well i cant disagree with that wipped cream is quite good ^_^ doesnt realy asnwer tha question though
· 17 years, 3 months ago
Your question doesn't actually make sense.
Yay I get to say it.
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I'm not sure if it likes to be whipped or not. It does like to get hit.
If you're talking about physical whipping, then I'd like to whip the hell out of Dick Cheney with a spiked whip a la "Roots" style, as long as I knew no legal action could be taken against me.
haha well actualy i was talkin about in tha form of being head over hills for each other in a way were you dont realy ever go see you friends any more and your always talkin to each other..... it that a bad thing?
· 17 years, 3 months ago
Sounds like teenage infatuation. It'll pass.
Also, your English teacher should be shot. Cripes.
umm i wasnt tryin ta spell correctly hun
I'll try the reply button thing again. It is sort of in weird spot but on the top right portion of each post there is a reply button. You click on that if you want to reply to a post. The "Post a Message" box at the bottom are for starting a new thread in the forum. Newbies always miss it which led to the tradition of saying, "The reply button is your friend."
It isn't a good friend. It never calls.
Whip me, beat me, make me write bad checks.
Some people consider what one partner does for another to be "whipped" when it's really just about acting in accordance with your feelings for the person.
Case in point. My wife has to be up and out the door by 7am. I get up with her at 6am and fix coffee, pack her lunch, and take care of the pooches so she just has to worry about getting ready, dressed and out the door.
Some people call me whipped since I do that. I don't consider it that at all, I do it because I love her and don't like to see her stressed out.
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