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Review of "Rocky Horror Picture Show"


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Rocky Horror Picture Show
What genre is this film?
Cult Movie
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let's do the time warp again


goovie is married!:

Wait, no one's recommended RHPS yet? Come on, people. Good, decidedly unclean interactive fun. And there's something wonderfully cleansing about shouting, "ASSHOLE!" at Barry Bostwick.

It's a girl!:

Raccoon High Potato School is the greatest film in the history of modern cinema! Or... um...not. But come on, who doesn't enjoy getting decked out in charming underclothes, dancing the time warp and screaming "ASSHOLE!"?


Hmmm, am I reviewing the actual film...or the experience of seeing the film in a theater? The film itself is, well, okay. The first half is pretty entertaining, but the second half goes downhill fast. BUT the experience of seeing this in a theater filled with folks who are actively participating is a lot of fun.


Good soundtrack, but basically a mediocre movie. If people didn't have so much fun at the shows, nobody would watch this movie. And guess what... dressing in drag and going to RHPS on friday night at the Bijou doesn't make you a rebel.

Nicole the Wonder Nerd:

Huuuh Ghod... The movie itself sucks sucks sucks. But there's a definite loopy charm to the *show* that is Rocky Horror. The "cast" (I think they call themselves that, so I will) shout out their memorized witty comebacks, so that the experience takes on a weird synchonized MST3K-ness. It's all good fun, but--for me--I'd had enough about 2/3 the way through the movie.

Ligeia Lester:

oh, come on, guys! it doesn't have to be GOOD to be good fun! whether you go to a show in a theater with a bunch of weird people in drag shouting innappropriate stuff, or if you watch it at home with your parents (as long as they were hippies back in the day) you really can enjoy this movie. It's not brilliant, but it *is* fun. Besides, it's a cult classic! Be a lemming, and love it!


a pretty horrendous movie with a few good songs. I've seen it exactly once and have absolutely no desire to see it ever again, on video or in a theater. actually, especially not in a theater.

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