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Review of "Fight Club"


What's the movie's name?
Fight Club
What genre is this film?
Cult Movie
Give a short summary of this movie:
Mind-twisting. In a fun way.


A girl named Becca:

This movie is so cool. Every time I think I get it, I realize there's something else I missed. It's like the gift that keeps on giving. Action, dark humor, general freakiness. And, come on, it's got Brad Pitt. Not sure I can handle watching the ending after 9/11...but still, it's one of those movies you just *have* to see.

Josh Woodward:

This is a truly strange movie. I tend to like movies where you walk away saying "wow, I don't really understand this" and this one didn't disappoint.


First rule of fight club: don't see fight club. If you wan't to see great acting by Pitt & Norton, see 12 Monkeys and American History X.

J. Andrew World:

Brad Pitt is underrated. Edward Norton is a genious! This movie is so wonderful! It's insane and crazy and by the end of the movie you are so confused by the plot twists and sadism that happenes, you want to watch it again to figuree it out.


I spent the entire film wondering if I'd accidentally stepped into a gay mens' fetish film. It's really well done, if hard to watch.


The movie is great. See if before someone spoils the ending for you. (which happened to me).

Don't forget about the book too. This is one of the few situations where I think the movie did some things better than the book (the very end), but there are some things I still like better in the book (meeting Tyler).

Jelly Crystals:

Really didn't like it. It tried for the 'big twist' ending, and it sucked. Had some redeeming features, but not enough for this little chicken.


always use fight club soap.

i was skeptical at first - didn't know why I'd ever like a movie that's about violence. except it isn't. it's far, far creepier and more disturbing than that, and the "fight club" part doesn't play as big a role as you'd think from the previews.

if only its creators were Fruheads, then Down from Above would surely have been on the soundtrack.


a movie you can watch over and over again, and you never get tired of


This movie takes us to the extremes of our imaginations with the neverending question--"Who am I?" Are we defined by the things we own? Are we defined by others attitudes and opinions of us? Do we define ourselves based on the model image? Are we defined by who we are? This movie focuses on how we are defined as it pertains to our environment--people and things. Four stars out of five--based on its popularity only (not everyone likes to watch a movie that questions 'society'.)

soul groove feline:

"i felt like destroying something beautiful".

i first watched this in grade 8 with two very good friends who both knew the "twist", as they had seen it many times before... they spent most of the movie saying "it's so obvious now!" and other such irritating things. alas.

the outside shot of the old rundown house is one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen on film.

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