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Review of "Chasing Amy"


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Chasing Amy
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Another Kevin Smith Flick


Joy- new picture!:

Ok. So I prefer the outtakes. But this is a sweet and very funny movie about a man who falls in love with a Lesbian. Just ignore her voice.

J. Andrew World:

A romance movie about Comic book creators. I first watched it when I was dating a lesbian. I watched it just before we broke up and it broke my heart because like Life imatating art, we were heading down the same path. Fortunally I didn't screw up the relationship like the movies main charactor did. Plus it's funny as hell!

"Nubian? What's a Nubian?"

goovie is married!:

Maybe my favorite Kevin Smith film. Lots to say about love and jealousy and experience -- lots of stuff that I can really relate to. And of course, being a Kevin Smith film, it's also hysterical. "F*ck Lando Calrissian!" is probably one of the best lines in movie history. :)


i think this is my favorite kevin smith film as well. even though, like joy, i have . . um . .joey lauren adams issues.

"b!tch! you're schooling no one!"


The best movie of all time. One of only two movies I've ever cried at. (Tranformers: The Movie being the other. But don't let that trivialize the sentiment. It was really sad when Optimus Prime died. And I was 10.)


Great movie, but I have to agree with Jaci and Joy about JLA's voice. Is there anyone who likes her voice?

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