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Review of "Free Enterprise"


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Free Enterprise
What genre is this film?
Cult Movie
Give a short summary of this movie:
A couple of Trekkies meet William Shatner (played by himself!)



This movie is hilarious and is a must for all sci-fi-, Star Trek-, and general film buffs. Two Trekkies run into William Shatner in a bookstore and begin a friendship with him which transforms their lives. The film references fly by nonstop, and I'm quite sure I missed at least half of them. Incidentally, I corresponded with the writer-producer, who told me what a joy it was to work with Shatner, who participated in creating his role as himself. The (complete Trekkie nerd) writer team had originally created a more dignified role for him, but Shatner suggested making his character into a loner alcoholic sort. The movie is a lot of fun, and anyone who enjoys sci fi, Star Trek, or film in general will feel that the film was made for them. And don't miss the grand finale--it alone makes the film worth it.


This movie is a total geek test...which I passed (or failed, depending on your point of view). William Shatner is amazing.

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