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Review of "Nellie McKay"


What's the band's name?
Nellie McKay
What's the album's name?
Get Away From Me


Josh Woodward:

Really good CDs. I wish they would have taken only the best and made a single stunning CD out of it, though.

goovie is married!:

i agree with josh. i'd be more inclined to listen to it more often if it were a single cd.

Gordondon son of Ethelred:

Nellie just blows me away. I'm not sure how I'd vote if I hadn't seen her live.

Nellie had to fight tooth and nail with Sony to make it a double album. Her rants biting the hand the feeds her were a highlight of her shows for a while.

J. Andrew World:

Shows strong potentail, yet it kinda falls flat. She often misses what her songs are about like in waiter, which is a great disco song, however he verses are about the war in Iraq, and she doesn't tie the two together. However, there is her tribute to Emenem, Sari, which is a big hit with me. Also, Clonie, Wont U Please B Nice, and the song I am forgetting are all equired listening in my book.

This album she acheeves refining her sound in the studio, yet she didn't make a classic. She has one in her, so maybe her next album.

Snow In Summer:

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