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FRFF 2005 Performers
Here's a list of performers confirmed at FRFF 2005 so far compiled from several sources. Yeah, I know that many people already know, but I thought a centralized list that could be edited later on would help to sorta keep track of things.
Dar Williams
Nerissa and Katryna Nields
Eddie From Ohio
Lowen and Navarro
Modern Man
Arrogant Worms
Crooked Still
The Kennedys
Eliza Gilkyson
Paul & Storm
Railroad Earth
Tracy Grammer
Clayfoot Strutters
Brave Combo
Meg Hutchinson
LisaBeth Weber w/Maggie Marshall
Alastair Moock
Ned Massey
We're About 9
Susan Werner
Chris Smither
Dan Bern
Hot Tuna
Barry Mitterhoff
Vance Gilbert
Ani DiFranco
Gandalf Murphy
The Storycrafters
Jay Mankita
Blue Sparks from Hell
Jesse Colin Young
Glengarry Bhoys
Jimmy LaFave
AND, According to someone on the Tracy list, the Friday Night Song Swap will feature Tracy Grammer, Susan Werner, Vance Gilbert, and Chris Smither.
Edited to add various changes as they come in
Dan Bern.. Wasn't he banned from the festival? Sounds like a decent lineup. I might have to go again.
Wow, there is actually some new blood. That's great. It is also great to see Dan Bern welcomed back. I hope that's for real.
Of the new people I can recommend FRUiT, LisaBeth Weber, and especially Chris Smither. If you like Blues Guitar he is your man. He does a great cover of Dave Carter's "Crocodile Man."
FRUiT is awesome. So is Chris Smither. He's so cool. I saw him at the philly festival and he dressed in all black and there were bats flying around him. He's also just a really nice person - met him at the press tent during one of his off nights.
Man... imagine how nice he'd be if it WASN'T an off night for him!
· 20 years, 2 months ago
chris smither isn't exactly new. he was there in 2002. in fact, i think that was the first time he performed "crocodile man"--at the dave carter tribute.
and lisabeth was in the new artist showcase in 2000, as well as in 2004--she was a showcase winner last year, and so she's appearing again this year as one of the most wanted artists.
7 so far that I want to see!
That's already beating last year. :)
I would guess that, probably, the components of redbird might also play solo in some places? (Or is that wishful thinking?)
except for lowen & navarro and paul & storm, this is looking really, really good. and hey--acts i'm not thrilled about mean more time at the dance tent. :)
no. my feelings toward lowen & navarro are very similar to your feelings toward...oh...just about any of the musicians i really like. :)
· 20 years, 2 months ago
are lowen and navarro the jingle guys?
the jingle guys?� I don't know... they're a duo that leans toward love songs and loss songs, they've put out quite a few CDs but their best one is the current one.��� They're also returning to FRFF as a highly requested return act.� Good harmonies, good live shows,�and they're super sweet guys.� They won't get a lot of return trips there b/c Eric Lowen got diagnosed last year with ALS-- so if you can get the time to go see them, I'd definitely recommend it.� Their manager also manages Anne McCue, who some of the old school folks may remember as having opened up for Jian @ the Rivoli on one of the frucon weekends. (not that I would recommend linking the two, L&N are more exciting than 95% of the girl-with-a-guitar acts that many of us have seen as openers... IMO).
jingle guys?
Did I miss an inside joke?
No that's Buskin and Batteau who couldn't be more different. Half of them. David Buskin, will be there as he is one third of Modern Man.
hey now.... you only like TWO truly awful groups/musicians.... the kennedys and the nields.
Don't be so hard on yourself. ;)
· 20 years, 1 month ago
I just noticed that too. No Greg Brown? He always puts on a great set and always plays the friday night song swap. I thought that was sort of a tradition at FR. But it looks like a great lineup! I would swap The Kennedys for Greg-no offense to Kennedys fans:-)
· 20 years, 2 months ago
whats FRFF?
a secret society. there's a secret handshake and everything.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
and what's the list of people?
· 20 years, 2 months ago
They are the first against the wall when the revolution comes, comrade.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
not helpful.
It's such a big thing around these parts that we tend to assume everyone knows about it.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
No one is giving me answers, just commenting on my post indirectly!
click on the link in Becca's post.
or just click here.
Though the short answer: Falcon Ridge Folk Festival is a four-day community of folk music and dance at the foot of the Berkshires in east-central New York State.
Sorry, I was trying to be helpful. Figured the festival's web site would explain it better than I would.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
This lineup looks awesome.
...is there anyone who can give me (and possibly, but not probably Doug) a ride down?
I'll repay as the driver sees fit. Within reason ;P
· 20 years, 2 months ago
There's a chance that the Toronto-Rochester fast ferry will be in service (again) by the time Falcon Ridge rolls around again. That could help you get back across to the US, and make it wasier for people to get you.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
Hell, I'd be willing to take a bus to wherever my ride is.
*puppy eyes*
· 20 years, 2 months ago
Hot Tuna
Barry Mitterhoff (don't know much about him, but he's mentioned as being a mandolin player who plays bluegrass, klezmer, and New Orleans style music). sounds interesting.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
Hot Tuna's going to be there?!!?!?!
Okay. I'm definitely going.
Dude, if tuna is actually HOT? It's overcooked.
I do *not* approve.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
hot tuna are jack cassidy and jorma kaukennen from jefferson airplane.
not to be missed.
They have a great t-shirt
If you don't have Jorma you don't have Jack
Maybe they mean hot like spicy.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
Back when they first did this side thing they wanted to call themselves Hot Shit, but the label wouldn't let them.
They compromised, hence Hot Tuna.
I love when they have people I haven't heard of. It makes me all excited. And oh I can't wait to see Eliza Gilkyson, the Arrogant Worms, Dar, WA9, Fruit, Crooked Still, The Kennedys, The Nields, Railroad Earth, Brave Combo, and Dan Bern. oh and Susan Werner. Perhaps she will be all folky again and I will fall in love with her music and awesomeness once more.
Pontificating now. It's funny to think of Susan Werner at FRFF. Ever since she started, she's had this strong "making fun of folkies and folk culture" streak in her. Even though she is a folkie herself, it seems she's always set herself apart from the typical folk genre and "scene." So it's amusing to think of her hanging out at tents and song circles. But I can't wait to see her play! I just can't wait till FRFF in general!
but...susan's been at frff a number of times.
That's where I bought my first susan werner disc.
Granted, the first time I saw her was opening (and playing with) fruvous in toronto....
that's sort of exaggerated :)
If I'm not completely wrong 2005 is her 2nd time...
really? 2001 was her first time?
well, two *is* a number... :)
Two is not a number! It is a free man!
i thought that was number 6. :)
oooh no wait. She was there in 99. Because she was in the Killer Tent song.
I know. Just not any time when I'VE seen her. ;)
well, if this is any indication, Susan did throw in a couple of older songs at last night's show, including "Petaluma Afternoons" and "Time Between Trains"
ooooh. I love Petaluma Afternoons. it makes me wanna go to California so much! ;) I think the oldest song that she still plays is Cole Porter. Which is just fabulous.
I think this is a great list. No complaints.
I'm not exeedingly thrilled with Dan Bern or L & N (*ducks) but I need time for socializing anyway :)
· 20 years, 2 months ago
I like Dan Bern a lot, but I wish he'd stop trying so hard to be Bob Dylan.
dwd? It's so cool that you're thinking about going. Whee.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
will you be there?
That's actually a good question.
I *so* want to be there and if everything goes as planned I will.
However nothing ever goes as planned (particularly in my life) and there's a possible worst case scenario when I run into time issues and won't be able to make it. But it's too early to make definite predictions.
It's always a wonderful time at FRFF. Last year may have been awful because of the all-day rain on Friday, but that was all relative. How many times will you have a storm like that?
three times in the last 8 years or so.
While last year's was the worst 1999 was pretty bad. I wasn't there but someone told me that 1997 was worse than 99 but not as bad as last year.
well there was also the Monday before the festival in 2003, where they had all the early volunteers huddled up in the barn because there was a tornado watch.
At least we know that last year was THE worst. Knowing that we got through THE worst, we'll be okay from here on out.
Think about how many tents are going to be sold this summer in the northeast as a result?
· 20 years, 2 months ago
The worst SO FAR. Never underestimate the potential for natural disasters at FRFF.
Yeah wednesday night of 2003 it also poured for a little. but then it was gorgeous.
wasn't 1994 like the Biblical year? There was lightning and locusts and winds and stuff?
· 20 years, 2 months ago
I thought that was '99
If 99's the year I'm thinking of, the whole thing was swelteringly hot and dry, except for a single 30-60 minute storm one afternoon. During the guitar gods workshop.
Yes, 99 was deathly hot.
And the single storm was a DOWNPOUR with high winds... that blew the cover off my tent... so it filled up with water. :P
I actually had to get in my car and run it for the A/C so I could sleep at all.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
'94 was biblical. In '95, they sold left over t-shirts from 94 that had been changed to say "I survived the flood of... FALCON RIDGE '94"
Much like volunteers to Clearwater last year got 2003 shirts that had gone unsold because of the awful weather. The back was then silkscreened to say "We Recycle! Clearwater Volunteer 2004" or something like that.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
'94 was pretty awful too. Dave (aka the Santa Claus interpreter) has a pretty funny story about how a tarp above him on the stage gave way to some rain that had puddled up on top of it.
That was 94? Ok I thought that was 97, that was the story I heard. So it is three in the last 11 years.
I mean, I'm not a *huge* dan bern fan.... but... I'd love to see him.
Also, like, I AM a huge ani fan.... but.... they're not gonna have her late-day sunday are they? That sucked, the last time they did it, cuz I leave sunday morning. (Yeah, I know, selfish.... but... come on, if you're gonna have her there, have her part of the festival... not as a closer. sheesh.)
Damn, I'm much rather see Dan than Ani. Oh well, on the bright side I can leave early on Sunday and avoid the rush.
ani again? hmm. maybe she'll bring along andrew. :D
and i can't say i'm sorry about dan bern--he doesn't do much for me. but hooray for vance!
· 20 years, 2 months ago
Well shit. That totally changes how much I want to go. Losing Dan is a huge bummer, but having Ani there... The last time it was awful. Her fans filled up the place and made everything harder, and they weren't even really that into the other acts.
I think when it comes to Ani FRFF should just say no. :P
last time she was there, ani fans were hanging out in the parking lot asking people who were leaving for their wristbands--so they could get in for ani without paying. yecch.
as long as she's the closing act and I can escape early again, I really have no problem with this. but if her fans are going to be all over the place earlier, I may have to rethink my plans entirely.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
how bad are ani fans?
slightly rabid.� :D I was pissed that the stage was blocked off entirely, no photos, etc.�
i was pretty pissed about all her diva-fied requirements--like, the interpreter couldn't be onstage with her, and the merch tent couldn't sell anyone else's stuff when she was playing.
I mean, I guess I can see the first one. It's obnoxious, but it doesn't suprise me all that much. The merch tent though. The one for the whole festival? with over twenty artists? couldn't see merch for anyone but her when she was on stage?
Yeah. I don't get that one at all.
You'd think that she'd want the people who wanted to buy her music at the stage listening, right?� Of course, a lot of the people listening would already have her music on disc.
I didn't experience bad from them, just that there are an awful lot more of them who descend on Falcon Ridge than there are fans of any other major act that's played there since I started going.
I think the bigger issue for me is that she has a lot of fans who just aren't at all interested in folk music otherwise but who come to see her at Falcon Ridge anyway. (to be fair, so do Moxy Fruvous) And it's not really related to her style or personality or anything, but just that she's popular enough that she can't possibly be limited to one audience. Which is fine. But I think it makes her a bit too big for the festival.
The Ani fans were just not folk festival people . . . as most of us know, there is a weird, unspoken, unwritten code of folk festival conduct and, well -- they didn't get it.� Other people have talked about the harassing people for wristbands thing; I always remember a bunch of them getting there at, like, 6 AM and parking themselves at the very front of the lawn and just generally being nasty to people.� I could understand why she's had problems with stalking.
· 20 years, 2 months ago
Thank God. Now if I can't make it (very likely) I won't be weeping about it. Phew.
Forget the rush. I'm taking Monday off. Especially if I end up camping anyway.
That's a pretty awesome line-up.� I'm relatively excited to see Alastair Mooke on the stage this year.� I remember hearing him do some songs up in the budgie dome a few years ago.� I picked up�a cd of his, enjoyed it, then lost it like a fool.� Glad to see he's playing.� He's purty good. Vance Gilbert, Kennedys, EFO, and all the rest of the usual players = sweet. HOT TUNA. HOT TUNA. HOT TUNA. HOT TUNA. HOT TUNA... Oh yes. Ani...� Hmm....� Personally, I didn't notice any difference in the general karma on a year she has played vs. one which she has not.� I'm pretty indifferent to the Ani eXperience.� <shrug>
· 20 years, 2 months ago
Thank you! *Someone* else excited about Hot Tuna!
I get to see you this year? Yay!
· 20 years, 2 months ago
Glengarry Bhoys-I read up on them. They are a Celtic-inspired band that adds a new twist to the sound.
The ticketing is up on the FRFF site
Mounted Animal Nature Trail on the Main Stage. Lots of fun for the thousands of the uninitiated. I'll be looking forward to it the same way I looked forward to I Wish I Were (DVN) on the Main Stage.
oh, you are *so* taunting me, you know....i may just have to figure out a way to get there. ;)
on a semi-related note, someone said the following to me today:
"things are getting weird around here. (pause) let's elope."
hm...could i *elope* to falcon ridge...only without the marriage part? :P
perhaps you can convince your parents to bring you and camp with you for 4 days? Though I would still work on trying to get to a real single concert first...that may ease them into the idea of Falcon Ridge. :)
I'd argue that FRFF would be a better starting point.� Aside from the age limitations of some club shows,�FRFF is like having a four day mix disc to help you decide which shows to attend later.
see, the problem is i can't miss camp, and it starts thursday and friday. but....i'm thinking maybe i could drive up saturday, and come sunday? i'm just thinking out loud...because camping would be difficult to convince, but a weekend/day trip-ish thing would be fun. my dad would go, i think, i'm not as sure about my mom. but if there's shopping nearby, she'll be occupied. ;)
hrmmm...where is camp relative to Hillsdale, NY? Saturday is usually the biggest day of the fesitval. A weekend trip would definitely be feasible, though finding a place to stay overnight may be hard to do, as hotels are booked pretty quickly.
What about Appel Farm? It's just a day and it's relatively closer to where you are.
hrmmm...where is camp relative to Hillsdale, NY?
camp is...near me. it's not overnight or anything....it's a daytime camp. it's at chestnut hill college, which is relatively near me. but i can't miss it, do to the fact that
A- it's awesome, and
B- my parents have to scrimp to send me there...it's fairly $$. i'm working towards CIT status to get to go for free.
Saturday is usually the biggest day of the fesitval.
so i see.... :( but sunday is still....semi-big. bigger than, say, thursday and friday. and most of the people i'd be interested in seeing/have heard good things about are gonna be there on sunday.
What about Appel Farm?
it's june 4th....and i'm in school until the 16th. yes, i know it's on a saturday, but if school's still going on, and it's near the end of the year, i'm guaranteed to have a ton of work to do. (i had a french projet due on the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL last year...*shudder*)
I am really excited. There are a lot of names I don't recognize and a lot of bands I know do dancing. plus my friends will be with me, and the kennedys and dar will be there, and crooked still. I still want them to get Stuart Davis someday but maybe if I keep writing the 99 theses on the back of my response survey, they finally will . . .Sigh . . If only. . . .
So I sometimes hear people (on this site and on the livejournal Falconridge community) talk about how they want to purposely avoid N and K at FRFF. i don't know. I get a general impression that people are sick of them. Maybe I'm wrong. But I was just wondering, is that only since the sisters went duo, or was there always like a "what is up with those Nields people" thing going on?
Anyway . . .can't wait till the ridge!
I just can't stand their voices... they cause me physical pain... and make me want to just shoot someone.
But hey, even if they can't sing to save their lives, I'm sure they're nice people. :)
How did i know Nate would be the first one in with a scathing comment? :) Their voices definitely are a love 'em or hate 'em thing. Their voices always kind of annoyed me but with the band the songs were so excellent and rockin that I still loved it. Once they went duo, though...I didn't like the way that sounded and I didn't really like the new songs. So, I dunno, I just lost interest. But I'm happy I got to see 'em a bunch of times as a band and that was great.
Yeah I kind of wish I had gotten to see them as The Nields. I think they were quirkier then. When they perform with The Crackerjack band it's kind of like that . . . I can definitely see the gripe with the voices. Me, I love them. But I can see why people wouldn't like all the warbles and sobs and cracks and slides.
Hee. I think I must be the only fan who actually prefers the duo to the band - okay the difference isn't big but it's still there and I'm really enjoying the fact that they'll be there for 3 days. And since there're scheduled for Sun I'd like them to be the closing act again.
I freaking love the Nields as the closing act...
Ani will be the closing act on Sunday.
When I first hear a nields recording I didn't like it, but then I saw them live and fell in love. I've never seen them as anything except a duo. They are so fun to watch sing, and it brings me joy.
If I win lotto the ticket is yours!
The lotto ticket? Awesome! How generous! :)
everyone should pledge me their lotto tickets. roll up, roll up, it's the greatest show in town.
If I get into the new artist's showcase then you can have my regular camping ticket. That's highly unlikely, though :-)
i almost applied this year, but i wussed out after i found out i didn't make smaf. i need to make a stronger recording for next year.
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