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FRFF Aftermath report from Anne Saunders - Not good...

   Discussion: FRFF Aftermath report from Anne Saunders - Not good...
John J. Ryan · 16 years, 9 months ago

This is Anne back in office in Sharon CT. Most important news, only a few bruises from monster hail and a couple panic attacks but NO INJURIES.

This was a mini tornado that hit us Sunday, it never touched down. We had been tracking this storm, labeled F5 on NEXRAD radar on my laptop in the Communications trailer. Was moderately severe, very compact and moving rapidly. It was past us & thought we were OK. Storm track animation showed it was moving away.

Than there was a sudden rotation and it came back with 70 MPH winds, 3 inches of rain and up to golf ball size hail. There was no time for a warning like the ones passed on earlier, it happened so fast.

We could not believe the same storm that had passed on the radar was now in front of us again, was on us before we could even get on the radio. I got one call in to mainstage and one to security base. Hail started WHILE I was making these calls on my cell, radio communication was totally OUT.

Tornado formation is very unpredictable. We just did not think anything like that was possible, indeed 4 of us looking right at the radar were puzzled at what we were looking at for several precious seconds.

As mentioned, no one was hurt, the clean-up is a bear and the income loss, just don't know yet. Janis Ian has donated back half of her fee and other performers have offered to do a benefit. We'll just have to see, honestly don't know yet.

------On surveys, FR Money and Refunds

Will get up survey up on website ASAP, may take a couple days will post a PDF as well as a Text Doc that can be Emailed back.

FR Money, you can use it next year if there is a next year, we hope so.
You can donate it to the local Food Bank as usual by sending back to:

Falcon Ridge Folk Fest
POB 144
Sharon CT 06069

If you have a large amt, over $25 and absolutely need a refund, send back to same address. We will need to take a processing fee of $5 per refund. Sorry about this. It costs us banking fees, staff time, postage, gas to do this and right now every little dribble sends us further in the red.

Tix refunds. Send your unused ticket, wristband, cc receipt or order info. We will keep a list and give all a one day tix of your choice for next year. Worse comes to worse we will send refunds minus the $5 fee to that list.

What is happening now? Site clean-up still in progress, Bub is there all day with a small crew. I am doing 20 or so loads of laundry at home. All our backstage and green room wall hangings, curtains, tablecloths and the 300 or so towels for performers will be unusable if not dealt with immediately.

Lots of other stuff drying out all over the place, lost & found items mostly dried out, hanging in my garage and everywhere else we could hang them. Dealing with Lost & Found and Performer Merch rest of day, Weds.

Thanks to all our patrons & staff who stayed on into Monday and helped us with the stages and dance floor and Cantele Tents who came immediately on Sunday and started on the downed tents.

Big thanks to all of you who I know have unused tix and FR bucks and are NOT asking for a refund. That is so helpful and could make all the difference in the world to the future of the fest. That's it for now, Anne
Anne Saunders
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
Always on the fourth weekend in July
20 years of Folk Music & Dance in the Berkshires

Will work for anime · 16 years, 9 months ago
Yikes!! That really sucks!
I had Matt Spare's baby! · 16 years, 9 months ago
"FR Money, you can use it next year if there is a next year, we hope so."

I might cry.
nate... · 16 years, 9 months ago
what kind of absolute jerk would ask for a refund?? *shakes head*
Misch · 16 years, 9 months ago
It's probably worthy of it's own topic, but Falcon Ridge is looking for donations.  The plea is on the Falcon Ridge homepage.

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