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performance schedule '05 is up |
performance schedule '05 is up
ummm, is it just me, or is that just the list of who's playing which day, which has been posted for quite some time?
I could be wrong (it's happened a couople of times in the past) No, you're right. We still don't have an actual timeslot list. (At least not at that link.) Maybe they released them prematurely and you caught it and they've since been yanked. :)
no fair getting me so excited.
i should've known it was too early for them to post the schedule!
the list can also be found on thefrff lj community.
Is All about Buford an DVN tribute band? I wish I still had the uncle buford flags. ;-)
I wish FRFF had accepted Amy Speace for the showcase.
i still haven't seen the full list--do you know for sure amy wasn't accepted? i had my fingers crossed for her and david, as i do every year.
She told me herself. I am going to start my own folk festival to correct these kinds of injustices!
reinhard posted the whole list on the lj community. now to debate whether artists like jim infantino should be considered "emerging," or whether we should just shut up and be glad he's finally playing frff.
He'd been around for a while when I first saw him live, which was probably 1992 or 1993. But he was fairly new to Boston then, I think.
reread the sentence.
the point is, and as it already came up on the lj community i thought it was valid to discuss here, do you want to go, "oh noes!! how can they consider jim infantino to be 'emerging' when he's been around 4eva?!" or do you want to say, "well, FINALLY he's playing on the main stage!"
This just in, Jim isn't just playing the emerging artist showcase, he is also playing the far more prestigious Budgiedome.
Though we loves us some DVN (and they're pals of ours, as well as colleagues), we are NOT a DVN tribute band, or anything like them. Come check us out! -Amy Malkoff / All About Buford
don't worry; it was a joke. dvn's "uncle buford megamix" used to be sort of a fixture around here...part of upper camp fruvous was even called "camp uncle buford" one year, with flags made with storm's original uncle buford design.
i've heard nothing but good stuff about all about buford--i'm looking forward to seeing you perform in a few weeks!
Amy Malkoff
· 19 years, 9 months ago
Fear not - I wasn't insulted. I mean, hell, we could do WAY worse than being a DVN tribute band. However, "Enormous Penis" might be...slightly different when sung by two men and two women!
See you soon!
hey, i'm a woman and i performed "enormous penis" solo once while busking with gordon in washington square park. then again, we made no money. :)
"very loudly" is the only way to sing it.
after i did "enormous penis," gordon did "the boob fairy." that's really all i have to say about that.
What do you mean Solo? I played Kazoo and helped with the choreography. We would have made a fortune if it weren't raining.
well, i sang it. that was the point. we each sang solo about body parts we didn't have.
True, next time I'll sing about my gall bladder.
We can do a duet. I just realized that you can sing Cholecystectomy to the tune of Donna a mobile. Did I spell the aria right?
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