Is this just frums or is it forum posts as well?
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FruMessage Drafts |
Posted by: Josh Woodward on Tue, Jul 11, 2006 Have you ever been typing a long FruMessage, just to have your browser crash? Read on... I've added a nifty new feature that should automatically save the FruMessages you compose everyI need your help in diagnosing this. Could you all send/reply to a few messages to different people, then click over to another page, then click around until you send the message again (without using the back button, which might throw the test off)? Then let me know if the message saved correctly (the last few characters you type won't be saved). I plan to add this feature all across Entropy if it works well, so thanks for your help! Update: The default threshold is now 100 characters, and there's now a preferences page where you can change this (or disable it).
FruMessage Drafts
Just frums for now, but it'll be on more things once the buggies get worked out.
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 18 years, 5 months ago
actually the automatic saves work on forums but not in replies to posts. I just tested it. I just tested it again and it worked.
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