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Paste anyone?

   Discussion: Paste anyone?
K-Lyn · 20 years, 9 months ago

I just fell in love a few months ago with this magazine and was wanting to pass it on to fruheads who may not know of it (or make a fool of myself because of course you all were on board with the first issue).

A new issue comes out every two months with a CD sampler. The first one I got had 23 tracks with such artists as Patty Griffin, Nora Jones, Now It's Overhead, Sarah Harmer, Ben Kweller, Starflyer 59, Five for Fighting, Jem, and The Proclaimers. What a great CD! and for only $5.95 (7.95 Canadian)!!!

I've gotten two issues since and have to go back for earlier ones. The articles, the ads, everything is focused on the music. So refershing.

I can see the bunny Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
I get a magazine similar to that from Britain called Uncut. They usually put out a cd with it that is either music that inspired a great cd or one put together by an artist. It was recommended to me earlier this year by Stephen Fearing when they put the magazine out with the "Music that inspired the Joshua Tree" free cd. Amazing blues music. Since then they've had cds like the compilations put together by R.E.M. and the last one I bought which was put together by Paul McCartney. The magazine is *huge* and all music/movie/pop culture related.
Jerrilyh Back · 19 years, 5 months ago

> I get a magazine similar to that from Britain called Uncut. They usually
> put out a cd with it that is either music that inspired a great cd or one
> put together by an artist. It was recommended to me earlier this year by
> Stephen Fearing when they put the magazine out with the "Music that inspired
> the Joshua Tree" free cd. Amazing blues music. Since then they've had
> cds like the compilations put together by R.E.M. and the last one I bought
> which was put together by Paul McCartney. The magazine is *huge* and all
> music/movie/pop culture related.

Do you know where I can get a free�subscription?�

dave "buh" Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
I get paste. I have I think 6 or 7 of the compilation cd's. Hard to find time to just sit down and listen to them so I just shove them on my Ipod. For the price it's definitely worth it.
Bender · 20 years, 9 months ago
I loved the smell of paste in school.

But there was this glue that came in a brown plastic bottle and came out of an angled rubber nipplething. Sometimes, it would get all hard and crackly around the nipplething and i'd peel it off and be happy.

rubber cement is the best thing ever, though. i loved to paint a thick streak onto my skin and peel it off.
K-Lyn Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
I knew this digression would happen. I just hope no one liked eating it...
sheryls Back · 20 years, 9 months ago

we never had it @ my school! we used regular elmer's school glue.

i never understood the facination with paste. from what i have seen of it, it's just really crappy, lumpy glue that isnt really good for..anything?

Bender Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
I hate elmer's glue.

It smells like mucus and gross.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 19 years, 5 months ago
there was a girl in my friend's kindergarten class that would put white paste on the pretzel rods they'd give the kids and eat them.
meh · 20 years, 9 months ago
I keep reading this as "Pasta anyone?" and thinking I'm being invited to dinner somewhere or something.
K-Lyn Back · 20 years, 9 months ago

Well, I would be up for a Fruvous dinner party. C'mon over!

meh Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
Alas, I am out of dinner party range for most of teh Fruheady types. *sigh*
However, money willing, I hope to visit a hotbed or two of FHDC member location once my off-season layoff starts.
Phoenix · 20 years, 9 months ago
Paste is really a wonderful mag providing a wealth of information and the "sampler" cd is awesome. Just subscribed 2 issues ago ...

And they ship to Europe ;)
derek harrison · 20 years, 9 months ago
theres a similar magazine called AMP (i forget what each letter stands for) and its a very large magazine released every two months thats always entirely regarding music (mostly punk and hard rock). ive only gotten one issue and it had 5 cds in it. full length, too! and they werent little crumby cds put together they were actual albums released by companies. the magazine cost me $1.99 american. WOW!
each issue has at least 2 cds in it.
Jerrilyh · 19 years, 5 months ago
Haha I get it for free until next month. I have CDs/DVDs 17-19 so far.

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