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Internet Baby Photos

   Discussion: Internet Baby Photos
Talcott · 19 years, 10 months ago
I've been thinking of this topic for a while.

We were all new to the interet at some point, now it's time to admit it. Using either Google Groups for usenet, the powerwall/forum archives on here, or anyother other archive, what are some of your embarasing early internet postings?

To be fair, I'll start with mine. This is my second post ever (so far as I can tell. The first one was ever more dull)
Aug 15 1995

(Wow... almost a decade ago. Today, I have no idea what I was talking about)

Insted of using Ashnods Transmogrant and disenchant to off your opponets Force of Nature (or any thing else good) Use the Transmogrant to make it and artifact then cast devine offering, getting rid of the creature and getting tons of life!

Talcott Starr a.k.a. Zorlog the Great

Then, there's what I can only imagine is an early attempt at poetry...

July 19, 1998

Hmm, now there's an interesting thread idea...
" M: Tron is Red
Space Police is Blue
Ice Planet's Cool
Um, just like you."

Any other ideas?

-- /_________/| "I can't pretend to be, someone
|___ ___|/ who pretends to be, someone else.
| || Or so my pretend friend tells me"
|___|/ALCOTT STARR -The Rutles- "Unfinished Words"

Gotta love that good old ACSII signature (which I can't seem to get working in the forums here. It's supposed to be a big "T" becasue I'm just that cool ;-)

One last one, because I think this might be getting too long...
The first thing I've said on the wall... turns out to be pretty dull ;-)

"Hello everyone (Aug 22 1999 @ 03:03pm)"
Agent Scully · 19 years, 10 months ago
My god I was an AOheller!


Topic in

Where is Harry Casey (KC & The Sunshine Band) now?

Sep 5 1995, 12:00 am
From: [email protected] (Christi218)
Date: 1995/09/05
Subject: Re: Where is Harry Casey (KC & The Sunshine Band) now?

He was touring with KC and the Sunshine band this summer. I think he is currently recording an album (or releasing one--something like that). He was on one of those talk shows earlier this year telling what he's been up to. (Might have been Leeza or Geraldo or something.)


I had a free account as well:

Topic in

Hey Jude / drugs

Mar 7 1995, 2:59 pm
From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 17:01:16 GMT
Local: Sat, Mar 4 1995 9:01 am
Subject: Re: Hey Jude / drugs

Yes, you are right John. It was written for Julian during his
parents divorce. That's what it says in all books written about
the Beatles and in interviews and books about Julian Lennon.



I just kept answering questions on "who sang this..." yadda yadda yadda

meh · 19 years, 10 months ago
I just spent something like three hours reading over old posts, and getting sucked into fanfic that's ancient. I blame you.

That said, according to google groups, I have a bunch of old atxc posts that all went up 12am July 6th, 1998. It's the earliest newsgroup activity of my own that I can find (although I know I was more active than the searches represented on, and one of the SK groups) - so it's the earliest anything I can document, since before then most of my interaction happened in very slow chatrooms while online at the library.


From: Conley <[email protected]>
Date: 1998/07/06
Subject: Please tell me Gossamer's OK!

Does anyone know what's going on with Gossamer? Please tell me it's
some sort of a freak server error, and it'll be back up soon. I just
started getting into fanfic, and I JUST got a story I helped a friend of
mine write archived!

--- The Chanteuse

From: Conley <[email protected]>
Date: 1998/07/06
Subject: Re: anybody willing to beta?

Brenda Jean Carlson wrote:

> I've got a short little baby I'd love to get some feedback on...any
> takers ;p

I've just gotten into fanfic a while ago, but I've always been a great
reader. I'd love the chance to beta for someone!
--- The Chanteuse

From: Conley <[email protected]>
Date: 1998/07/06
Subject: Ack! Ignore the above!

Don't read the other RE: !

I admit I'm a little new to newsgroups, I accidentally quoted it all in
my reply! Oops.

As for the story:
I like it. It's always so fun to peer into the hearts and minds of

From: Conley <[email protected]>
Date: 1998/07/06
Subject: Re: Send me...

mike metelsky wrote:

> I talked to Paula Graves about archiving 12 Degrees of Seperation on my site
> a few days ago. She told me that she doensn't want it archived anywhere but
> at her site. Unfortunately, I don't know the adress. Anyone....

> Lauren:)

> Kirsten M. Berry wrote in message <[email protected]>...

Aha! Something I can help with. Paula Graves' site is at

I hope that actually WAS helpful...

--- The Chanteuse

Of course, along with everything else, I can't seem to find a lot of posts I completely remember in a few groups I was in. So, wtf? Oh well.

Talcott, you are evil. *smiles sweetly*
sheryls · 19 years, 10 months ago

i never touched the internet until 1997, but dear god, if there were any logs of stuff from back on the BBSs, you'd all know what an annoying little twit i was.

anyway, there's always this review from 2000 of the fruvous windsor show COMPLETE WITH VISUALS! its way too long to post, but here's a snippet:

last night was certainly the wierdest show i've attended, in that not
only was i not near the stage, i wasnt allowed. yep. 41 shows and i've
never been kept at a 100 foot radius. not that i felt the need to

the people at the int'l freedom fest were (excuse me) DUMB enough to
put the stage in front of 150 feet (that's 45 liters for you
canadians..egrin) of freshly laid out sod.

ha! i remember this was the day i met nitsa! :D *facepalm* i was still using the phrase "egrin."

if you search for Sheryl Stoller, most of the results are in mcee's sigs o.O

"So was Powerman bitten by a radioactive pow?"
"Spiderman wasn't bitten by a radioactive *spy*..."
� � � � -- mike wood and sheryl stoller (1/1)

there's always my contributions to old contests on�and my being thanked in the goats faq.

my horribly designed and narcissistic first page on the intarnet in 1998 complete old pictures, bad poetry and featuring a tribute to josh's sweet ass left arm. it's horribly out of date now though.

Bender Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
a.m.m-f was my first newsgroup.

Some of my posts are truly embarrassing. I no longer have shame, so I'm providing this for your amusement

This was my first-ever post:

May 12 1999, 12:00 am
From: "Leah Bender" <[email protected]> -
Date: 1999/05/12
Subject: Re: New to Newsgroup

Yay! Newbie/lurkers unite! Heehee.... I was first exposed to Fruvous three
weeks ago... and became obsessed right on the spot... When I become
obsessed, I become OBSESSED... I have never seen Fruvous in concert, though :( I considered hijacking a truck last Saturday and saying, "TAKE ME TO HOBOKEN!!!!!", but I couldn't stop any trucks... (heehee... j/k!) Anyway, I'm just rambling and I'm sorry if I scared any of you!!!

(Since I see you already have a Leah... No, I am not a fan of Futurama...

This was a little less than a week before my fourteenth birthday.

Was I ever that young?
Phoenix Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
Hee. You weren't plural yet in '97 :D
sheryls Back · 19 years, 10 months ago

i sort of was, but i think i was still going by Elise or Elisefru :P

sheryls comes from my unix login/email address�from college :P

A.J. Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
I remember that show! Seems like just a couple years ago. I can't believe it was nearly 5 years ago. I think that was the show where I found out Michelle Wallis was pregnant.
A.J. · 19 years, 10 months ago
Andreas LoCicero
From: [email protected] (Andreas LoCicero)
Date: 1996/01/30
Subject: Re: Moxy on MusicWorks

On 24 Jan 1996 15:01:42 -0500, AJ Fynan ([email protected]) wrote:

While, to some extent I can see your comparisons, (even adding that both Ringo and Murray have the deepest voices in their respected bands) other than the fact that each band has (had) four members and that they are all male (oh Yoko...) the more I think about it, the more I see differences in each band. Of course, I'm not going to say one is "better" than the other (and who needs another flame war anyway?). I just think that would be like saying "This apple is better than this orange."

Well I can't even see the point in making such a comparison, because it is just that--apples and oranges. However were I to try to figure out which Frulad should play which Beatle in the upcoming CBC special "the beatles: the Canadian Connection" I would disagree with the above poster.


Mike would be John
Jean would be Paul (unless Dave was already)
Dave would be George
and Murry would be Ringo


Jean is the drummer and has the Biggest nose, so he should be Ringo
Mike is the oldest so he should be Ringo and
Murray is the quietest so he should be George
Maybe Dave should be John and Paul?

This way lies madness....

A.J. (but not the AJ whose post I'm answering)
_____ _
/ ____(_)
| | _ ___ ___ _ __ ___ [email protected]
| | | |/ __/ _ \ '__/ _ \ / The Amiga is back,
| |____| | (_| __/ | | (_) |-< but this time it's...
\_____|_|\___\___|_| \___/ \_ uh, German.
Mamalissa! · 19 years, 10 months ago
I'd been in Israel for three weeks at this point. [edit] GH = General Hospital

Melissa Schick Jan 19 1997, 12:00 am
From: Melissa Schick <[email protected]> - Find messages by this author
Date: 1997/01/19
Subject: Re: GH: Just a few questions

Dear Linda,
I want to thank you for the post about FGC's. I've been lurking here for about 2 years now, and have been watching GH for about 12 years, but have never had the guts to write in. Right now I'm out of the country, so I've been relying on this newsgroup to know what's going on. Spoilers aren't spoilers for me!

Is there an FCG Frisco? I just can't get over him.

Phoenix Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
Oh. General Hospital!

goovie is married! Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
"lissy"? hee!
ChrisChin is Getting Old · 19 years, 10 months ago
I iniitially though that I wouldn't have anything except for being flamed for posting on an animaniacs newsgroup that it's "pay or play" contracts and not "pay for play", but I couldn't find that post. To my surprise, when I searched, I found that I had posted a few times to when I was in college. Here's one in which I respond to a post from a guy who was in the Broadway Production of Les Miserables:

From: [email protected] (Christopher Chin)

Date: 3 Mar 1995 01:04:18 GMT
Local: Thurs, Mar 2 1995 5:04 pm
Subject: Re: Les Miserables - Ask Away

>Bryan Landrine
>Les Miserables/Imperial Theatre
>New York, NY USA


Congrats on being on Les Mis! First of all, I just love the show.
It's the Best musical I have ever seen (of the more recent variety, heck, it's the BEST :). I myself have seen the show 5 times on Broadway. I think I saw you perform more once, though. Just how long have you been playing Courfeyrac? Flipping through my old Playbills that I have up here at school.
(I keep them all), your name popped up in the Jan. 1995 and Feb. 1994. That must be cool. Second question that I always wanted to know since I first saw it; how does it feel to be on that revolving stage?

Well, answer if you can. Thanks

Oh, BTW, there's also a newsgroup that you may or may not be interested in.

-Chris C.
[email protected]

Yup...I was a big dork and a squeeing fangirl back then too. Little did I know what I would become. *sigh*
Bender Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
I totally posted/lurked there in '99.
A.J. · 19 years, 10 months ago
Here is an interesting example. I just stumbled on this and was a little surprised at what I'd written. I guess time has changed my politics a bit. I still don't hate the proposal outlined below, but I wouldn't go so far as to advocate it. I think it would alienate a lot of people who currently support social security and who are the one thing that may put a stop to Bush and his stupid plan.

When I wrote this I was but a 29 year old tyke, living in California.

Andreas Locicero
Newsgroups: alt.politics.bush
From: [email protected] (Andreas Locicero)
Date: 21 May 93 07:41:56 PST
Local: Fri, May 21 1993 8:41 am
Subject: Re: A (modest) proposal

We should remember that what most people think of as "welfare" is AFDC. AFDC, however, consists of a relatively small percentage (I don't have a source; I think I read around 15-25%) of the total entitlement (ie, welfare) budget. So don't think of lazy crack-addicted good-fer-nothing black girls with 6 kids who "have more to get more welfare money" as the only welfare recipients. Think of people like our grandparents, who very likely have money, but still get tons of government assistance, from medicare to social security. Shit, my grandparents--God love 'em--got back from SS what they put in, plus interest, sometime in the mid-Seventies. Now they're 86, playing golf, and getting a check from SS every month. Sorry, but THAT'S welfare. The AARP's greatest triumph was in convincing the nation that our elderly are eating dog food. Right.

You are Soooooooo Right! Nothing will change in this country until people wake up and realize that more than 1/2 of the entire fedral budget is entitlements, Mostly Social Security. While I will agree that some eldrly out there are eating dog food, and many more (like my grandmother just getting by on social security) there are many more (like my other grand parents) who could well afford a cut in benifits, an as you said, got back their contributions years ago. I would propose that after a person gets back their contribution to Social Security, there be a needs test applied to determine if they should get further benifits, and at what level. I don't want to take money from elderly who need it (god knows I will be there some day myself), but with the budget in the state it is in, it is wrong to pay money to those who (some by their own admission) do not need it!

By all means, cut these payments before you go after the poor on AFDC!

A.J. LoCicero >> [email protected]

The opinions expressed above ARE those of my employer!
This message comes to you from beautiful Morgan Hill, California, U.S.A.: The front line in the war against suburbanization!
Andrea Krause · 19 years, 10 months ago
The earliest I can find (Wish I could search old BBS stuff!) is random crap in Highlander, Guiding Light, and As the World Turns newsgroups. *eyeroll*. I was SUCH a Highlander fan it was ridiculous. It still resurfaces a bit when I see Peter Wingfield or Elizabeth Gracen in anything. :)

The very earliest post I could find was in a Beatles newsgroup though. That I'm not ashamed of. :)

And another trivia for y'all
All 3 messages in topic - view as tree
Andrea Krause Sep 1 1996, 12:00 am show options

From: [email protected] (Andrea Krause) - Find messages by this author
Date: 1996/09/01
Subject: Re: And another trivia for y'all
Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse

on 26 Feb 1996 17:45:34 GMT, [email protected] (R.N. Weinstein)

>In article <[email protected]>, MariRed <[email protected]> wrote:

>>4 yellow objects the Beatles have sung about;

>Is one of them Donovan's "Mellow Yello?" (some Beatles on background vocals).

Yellow matter custard? cellophane flowers of yellow and green? yellow
submarine? ummmm...ummmmm...waaaah!!


dirty life & times · 19 years, 10 months ago
i know i was on a comic book forum before ammf, but oh well.
here is my first post:

May 25 1998, 12:00 am
From: beetlesc...
Subject: Re: Quill Question

> Caramel apples, how 'bout them apples!?

I keep hearing that phrase. WHAT IN FORK'S IT MEAN???!?!
Miriam Beetle Libicki, new person
p.s. Ha! I posted something! Thanks Josh!

not great, but chad's reply & then my reply is pretty amusing

> Well, in my world, it comes from Mr. Macfarland, my 8th grade
> Physical Education teacher. He was ripe with various fruit
> phrases, the two most prominent being "Hit that apple!" (a
> phrase used to egg on the batter in softball, etc) and
> "How about them apples!" (a phrase used to egg on the losing
> team in anything that involved something roughly apple shaped).

> Matt Damon also said something clsoe to that as a witty retort in
> Good Will Hunting (a very good movie - one of the few good movies made
> in the States last year). His line was something something like
> "How do you like them apples?"

> So, here's how I figure it:

> Mr. Macfarland, the general all-around decent fellow he was,
> was visiting the filming of Good Will Hunting. With his congenial
> smile, he managed to get an autograph from Mr. Damon. Upon
> receiving of the signature, he turned to his loving wife and
> proclaimed "How 'bout them apples!"

> Mr. Damon, enjoying the joviality of the nice man, picked up on this
> midwestern phrasing and the word apples starting appearing on the
> set almost daily. Eventually, the it became so routine that Damon
> adlibed a bit with it. They liked it so muched it stayed in.

> Good Will Hunting, being one of the few decent movies out of Hollywood
> last year, was seen by a decent number of people. These people, enamored
> by Matt Damon's characters abilities and wishing to take control over
> their own lives, did what they could to take on the character of Damon.
> The easiest way of doing this was to incorporate elements of his speech
> into their own. Hence the prevalence of "How do you like them apples?" in
> the speech paterns of society.

> That's my experience with it, your mileage may vary *grin*

> - Chad

Indeed, "Good Will Hunting is where I first heard the confusing phrase, and
the next time I heard it WAS, "coincidentally" AFTERWARDS. So your
explanation is eminently feasible (not to mention very entertaining).
When I heard it in the movie, I thought it was referring to Minnie Driver's
(the subject of the boast)'s big red cheeks, or something.

Miriam Beetle Libicki, etymologically as well as entomologically inclined
A.J. Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
Chad! I forgot how entertaing he could be. Why did he go away?????
Paul D. Beasi · 19 years, 10 months ago
Paul Beasi
Sep 15 1995, 12:00�am
From: [email protected] (Paul Beasi) - Find messages by this author
Date: 1995/09/15
Subject: SQL*NET (16bit) TCP/IP and Windows 95 (Please Help!!)

I've JUST installed Windows 95 on my client machine at work (We're running Oracle 7.1.4 on a Cray SuperServer6400). �Previously, using Win31 I was using SQL*NET TCP/IP 2 to connect to the server (using SQL*Plus and various other client applications). �Now that I've installed Windows 95, I tried to reinstall 16-bit SQL*NET TCP/IP on my workstation. �Should this work? �If so, when it requests which IP stack is being run, which one should I choose? �(The win95 ip stack is NOT an option).

Thanks in advance for any help!
Andrea Krause Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
Heh, interestingly, looking at it...the post I used in my example was actually made under your account. :) Must've been before I had Juno.

From: [email protected] (Andrea Krause) - Find messages by this author
Date: 1996/09/01 "
nate... Back · 19 years, 10 months ago

What a bitch that was to acquire.


iPauley · 19 years, 10 months ago
My first post to Usenet was, naturally for me, a NASCAR discussion, shortly before the start of the 1998 season, and about 3 weeks after I got my first computer (as in, not my parents computer). The original poster wanted to know if there was any specific reason why it seemed that only American drivers and car manufacturers were represented in NASCAR.

From: "Paul L. Skudlarek" <[email protected]>
Date: 1998/02/09

To my knowledge, there is no rule against foreign drivers; there were several Japanese drivers in the Suzuka race last fall, though that my have been a Japan-only thing. I read somewhere that several Japanese makes were technically elligable for competition, though neither the auto-makers nor the teams have chosen to do so.


Not that anyone cares, but Toyota now runs the Tundra in the Craftsman Truck Series.

-- Pauley
Bruce Rose Back · 19 years, 10 months ago

I doubt that the Japanese manufacturers could get enough iron under the hood to be competitive.� The Germans might, but I don't think they're trying to get into the NASCAR market.

It'd be fun to see though... The Tide BMW at Talladega.

iPauley Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
Well, like I mentioned, Toyota is running its Tundra truck in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series, and the engine, as required by NASCAR, is small block. The rumor mill was churning a couple years ago that that was their step toward running a NEXTEL Cup car, and putting that engine into a stock car. No reason why some of the other manufacturers can't base an engine off a truck small block.

As the rulebook states at this point, the base vehicle must be manufactured in the US, which the Tundra is, despite the Toyota name. I see it as an eventual possibility for other manufacturers to get into the game, but it's not going to happen right-away soon.

-- Pauley
Adam Hartfield · 19 years, 10 months ago
I'm too old to participate. My first Internet posts are from 1989 or 1990, and that's beyond the reach of the various archives. The furthest back I can go is 1992 with a posting to Words-L.

Comments: Gated by [email protected]
X-VMS-To: _IN%"[email protected]"
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.words-l
Date: Wed, 27 May 1992 12:42:00 EST
Sender: English Language Discussion Group
<words-l%[email protected]>
From: Adam M Hartfield <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Gratuitous subject change
Comments: To: [email protected]
Lines: 11

> I became an auntie last wednesday :-). Do you always carry
>on conversations with people you don't know????
>Auntie Czarina

Congrats on your Auntie--hood. Sometimes I do have to carry on conversations with people I don't know at work, and especially at home when friends of my father call up and ask me how I'm doing without identifying themselves.

stealthlori Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
ditto here on the too-oldness, but with the twist that I don't even remember my old prodigy username, so I couldn't find those crazy posts about Dark Shadows, American Gothic, venison recipes, and colicky babies if I tried. :D
A.J. Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
is the the srm99somethingorother id, or something even more obscure?
stealthlori Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
something else.

srm9988n was my first aol username (actually it was steve's originally, hence his initials before the random string), more than 6 years after the prodigy adventure. and deities help me, those old aol webpages of mine are still up. :D
Phoenix Back · 19 years, 10 months ago
ditto here on the too-oldness


I don't remember my old CI$ username. What a pity...

And I chatted a lot on local BBSs pre-Internet which are now defunct :/
Andrea Krause Back · 19 years, 10 months ago

Same here. I was on a BBS for like...all my waking hours in 1990 or so but all that really embarrassing stuff is lost to the ages. :)

Kris 'engaged' Bedient Back · 19 years, 10 months ago


I was on aohell soon after it began.

hkath · 19 years, 10 months ago
I got myself online after Frucon 1 so I could talk to the fruheads I'd already met, so I guess mine's not that embarrassing. Well, not right off the bat, anyway.

So there I was thinking MAN,THIS COMPUTER STUFF IS *HARD*! And then I thought,
well, you know, I haven't really TRIED anything yet... let's see. Which brings
me to the conclusion that I'm just plain lazy. Hugo can vouch for that, I
think: I was recently complaining that there weren't any fruheads in the
Ottawa region, only to be asked: Were you even looking? Oh, the shame, the
shame. Such an underachiever... Anyway, I can now POST, which is great,
because maybe it means I'm cured of that horrible computer rivalry I've been
feeling ever since 1989. Maybe.

I look forward to seeing you all again soon, and talking to you even sooner!

Hugs all around!

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