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Meal habits |
Meal habits
· 19 years ago
Any weird eating habits at meal time?
I almost always taste the side dishes before the main course.
I have to have the last taste in my mouth be my favorite thing. I can mix and match during the meal, as long as I ration it out so that the last thing is the best. Also? If the meal is way better than the beverage, I have to finish my beverage before that last bite. If I eat the bite, then drink, then the beverage ruins the savoring of that Favorite Bite.
Same here with the last thing I eat has to be my favorite thing. Though sometimes I like the last bite to be a combination of all the things I had. Like for breakfast this Saturday, I put my last bit of egg on top of my last bit of pancake and topped it off with my last bit of bacon. so yummy. I get disappointed when I'm not able to shove it in my mouth all at once to taste all the flavors.
I always have to finish my meal first before I finish my beverage cause I hate the lingering feeling of dryness in my mouth. The only exception to this would be if I had soup.
Same here.
Although I go back and forth on the beverage thing. It's always something I think about though. Also, with beverages (particuarly juice), I'm always struck trying to decide if I want to gulp it all down, or to savor it. This usually results in my downing half the glass, and nursing the rest ;-)
they do make thinly sliced bread, and the crust comes off real easily :P
Rachel Marie aka RAI
· 19 years ago
Whenever eating M & Ms or Skittles or Smarties or any little colored circles of candy goodness, I have to eat them in color favorite order, ending with my most favorite color, and I eat them so that there are even numbers throughout my eating. Example: if I had 4 red M&Ms, 3 blue, and 5 orange, I'd have to eat two orange and then a red before I could ever even THINK of eating a blue.
I had almost totally forgotten about the wonder that is the Bueno bar. Now I will crave one until I forget about them again. Sigh.
I have similar rules, with the added rule that I have to eat 2 at a time, one on each side of my mouth, and if at all possible the 2 colors should match. Also, with M&Ms, I don't care about color order as long as a) I don't eat 2 pairs of the same color in a row and b) blue comes last. So if I had those 4 reds, 5 orange, and 3 blue, I would eat 2 orange, then 2 red, then 2 orange, then 2 red, then a blue and an orange, then 2 blue. If I have an odd number overall I bite the last one in half and chew one half on each side.
Wow. I am a maniac. I don't really think about it, I just kind of eat them that way.
· 19 years ago
I always go for the meat first.
That's about it. Also, I really prefer to have my salad as the last thing in a meal... which kinda screws up the whole restaurant thing... so... I only do it when I eat at home or at work. It's nice to have a meal taper down.... you get more and more hungry... then start eating with the most heavy and satisfying item... tapering down to something light to just kinda top it off. mmm. *goes to have a spinach salad now that I've had my burger and veggie stirfry*
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 19 years ago
I don't like rice. Apparently that's a crime against humanity.
Will work for anime
· 19 years ago
but when i was younger i would (esp at major-event meals like Thanksgiving) eat and finish one item at a time on my plate from worst to best in a counter-clockwise rotation.
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