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Fruvous circa 1993 on YouTube...

   Discussion: Fruvous circa 1993 on YouTube...
John J. Ryan · 18 years ago
It's a clip of them performing Dancing Queen Medley live:
Bender Back · 18 years ago
That ain't no medley ;)

However, thank you.  This really made my morning.
lawrence Back · 18 years ago
Well, it kind of is, since the opening bass line and 'do do do' part are from Walk on the Wild Side, not Dancing Queen. They just didn't sing the lyrics to WotWS like they did in later versions of the medley.
A.J. Back · 18 years ago
There are lots of lyrics Walk on the wild side in there. What are you guys talking about?
Rachel Marie aka RAI Back · 18 years ago
Being that I got into Fr�vous in the late 90's, I really thought Murray's hair was purely mythic. Wow.

And Dave looks like David Hyde Pierce with an accordion.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 18 years ago
I always thought he looked like and accordion with David Hyde Pierce.
A.J. Back · 18 years ago
Even as late as the mid 90's they'd sometimes introduce him as David Hyde Pierce during
Misch Back · 18 years ago
Are those panties on the front of the stage?
Agent Scully Back · 18 years ago
It's the matching panties for the bra that was in Jian's drumkit.
Mamalissa! · 18 years ago
When I watched it, the "recommendation" that came up when it was done was Russell Wolf's "My Girl" - how funny is that?

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