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I just got C :)

   Discussion: I just got C :)
Tracie · 15 years, 7 months ago
From Maple Music, shipped all the way out to Nevada. C is very hard to find anywhere else, at least that I've found. I never got it way back when (since I was under 18 and had no means of ordering online by myself). I received it today. I'm so happy. :D
Paul D. Beasi Back · 15 years, 7 months ago
Yay! Always good when you manage to find something you want that's hard to find.
John J. Ryan Back · 15 years, 7 months ago
Wow?  They still have copies of C?
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 15 years, 7 months ago
I've always felt a proprietary interest in "C." Jian always gave me a hard time because I wrote a luke warm review of "Thornhill." I got to a show at the Towne Crier super early; not something unusual. Fruvous was there eating their dinner. Jian came up to me and said that their next album was made me for. That was of course "C." So no badmouthing it.
imsiobhan · 15 years, 7 months ago
Fruvous (or Bottom Line? I have no idea how these things work!) actually just re-released the band's whole catalog in the U.S. earlier this summer. Finally got my hands on a copy of Live Noise that way -- weird to see the 2009 copyright on the back of the CD cover!

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