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Falcon Ridge 2006 New Artist Showcase winners are...

   Discussion: Falcon Ridge 2006 New Artist Showcase winners are...
John J. Ryan · 19 years ago
Chris Pureka, Jim Infantino, Kym Tuvim, and Jason Spooner
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 19 years ago
I only voted for Jim. I usually do better than that. As he'll be back he'll probably return to the budgiedome too.
goovie is married! Back · 19 years ago
i voted for kym! i didn't bother voting for chris or jim because i knew they were shoo-ins, so i wanted to give some support to kellie and lis. and jason spooner was cool--he reminded me a lot of young mark erelli.
Phoenix Back · 19 years ago
i voted for kym!

You did? Wheee. You should check out her revamped website.
Misch Back · 19 years ago
Wouldn't this be the 2005 New Artist Showcase winners?

Or the 2006 Most Wanted Performers?
goovie is married! Back · 19 years ago
john had it right. it looks like gordon changed his subject line when he replied.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 19 years ago
but I didn't change it. I didn't touch it. If you notice the name of the forum is 2006. I am guessing John changed it after the fact. I know from experience that doesn't change the name of the forum.
goovie is married! Back · 19 years ago
my mistake.

*points torches and pitchforks in john's direction instead* :)
John J. Ryan Back · 19 years ago
OUCH! I will NOT be the victim of an agrarian revolt!

Yes, I did change it after the fact.

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