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Favorite song tournament quarterfinal: Fly vs. Love Set Fire

poll What is your favorite song from the following:
Love Set Fire
  26 Votes - 7 Posts
   Discussion: Favorite song tournament quarterfinal: Fly vs. Love Set Fire
John J. Ryan · 17 years ago

Last quarterfinal round!  Fly and Love Set Fire both won their respective matches handily.

The semi-finals will begin next week to give ample time for voting.  Authors and MPG are in a deadlocked tie thanks to a surge of votes for Authors.

J. Andrew World · 17 years ago
I had a tough time disiding this one. In my opinion this was the hardest choice, because they are both great songs out of the same vain.
danced with Lazlo · 17 years ago
Cause as much as I love love LOVE Fly, the beauty of the musical simplicity and pyromania will always win me out.
nate... Back · 17 years ago
Will work for anime Back · 17 years ago

I had a hard time with this vote too...but Love Set Fire is just beautiful.

So why is it then, that if everyone whose posted a comment voted for Love Set Fire, that Fly is still ahead by 4 votes???

Songbill Back · 17 years ago
Love Set Fire is nice.. but, um, slow and kind of boring. *ducks*
Josh Woodward Back · 17 years ago
Yeah, I love it, but Fly is a classic.

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