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Favorite song tournment semifinal #1: Drinking Song vs. Fell In Love

poll What is your favorite song from the following:
The Drinking Song
Fell In Love
  26 Votes - 8 Posts
   Discussion: Favorite song tournment semifinal #1: Drinking Song vs. Fell In Love
John J. Ryan · 17 years ago

These two songs went up against each other from Side A of Bargainville, but with other songs taking votes away.  We'll see what happens now when these two songs go head to head.

Don't forget to check out the other semifinal match, Fly vs. Authors.

Gordondon son of Ethelred · 17 years ago
When the polls are over are we all going to link arms and sing The Drinking Song?

oO And the band played on
As digit counters whirred
I'm singing this song
getting all the words wrong
I'm Popeye The Sailor Man Oo

You just had to be there.

Will work for anime · 17 years ago
this is very a very difficult choice.....
nate... Back · 17 years ago
pretty easy for me... I love fell in love.

danced with Lazlo Back · 17 years ago
I love you
nate... Back · 17 years ago
get a room, us two! ;D
A girl named Becca Back · 17 years ago
'Twas pretty easy for me. Drinking Song only really gets points for nostalgia value. Whereas Fell in Love is just plain awesome.
nate... Back · 17 years ago
yep... exactly. It was a nice tradition, but FiL is a far better song.

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