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Poll: Who would you like to win the World Cup?

England 2 (11%)
Germany 2 (11%)
Italy 0 (0%)
Brazil 0 (0%)
Argentina 3 (16%)
USA 3 (16%)
some other country 0 (0%)
what ever team Pete Best plays for 9 (47%)
   Discussion: The World Cup
Will work for anime · 18 years, 4 months ago

Who are you guys cheering for? Is anyone even watching it?

By default, I'm cheering for England.� After watching USA play thus far, I don't think their chances of going through to the knock-out stages are that great...but it would be interesting if they got their act together and started to kick butt *snicker*.

any other thoughts?

Kat Kunz · 18 years, 4 months ago
I'm watching when I can (and I'll definitely be watching the US/Ghana match Thursday), but honestly, I don't know who I want to win, mostly because I know next to nothing about the teams. I find watching soccer very exciting, though--I can get sucked into a game no matter who's playing.
emily · 18 years, 4 months ago
I am for USA .. I am not watchin it .. i am only voting for them cause i live there.. lol...idk
caroline: tired. · 18 years, 4 months ago
Watching every one I can, though that's only the ones on ABC since I don't have cable. Keeping up with the other ones, though, just so I have some idea what's going on.

I'd really like to see Argentina take the cup, and they have a chance. Brazil is just.. totally sick, but I'd infinitely prefer Argentina. England would be cool too, and theoretically they could do it, with Beckham and Rooney and all. I'm going to be in France at the very end of the tournament, so it'd be neat if France moved on, but.. they won't. Especially now that they don't have Zidane, it's not gonna happen.

*done yapping about soccer*

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