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Poll: What was the Best Picture of 2006?

Babel 1 (7%)
The Departed 2 (14%)
Letters from Iwo Jima 1 (7%)
Little Miss Sunshine 8 (57%)
The Queen 2 (14%)
   Discussion: Best Picture
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 18 years ago
The Oscars are coming up. I deliberately left off any sort of Pete Best answer. You'll have the same choices the members of the Academy have.
Rimbo · 18 years ago
You and your fair limitations.

If I was a member of the board (or whatever it's called), my vote would be for "The Children of Men." I loved that movie.

But out of this list, I've only seen Little Miss Sunshine and The Departed. And The Departed kicked my butt, so that's my vote.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 18 years ago
I thought of starting a forum about Children of Men. I know many people love it. I thought it was idiotic. Some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a "serious" film.
Jerrilyh Back · 18 years ago

> I thought of starting a forum about Children of Men. I know many people
> love it. I thought it was idiotic. Some of the worst writing I've ever seen
> in a "serious" film.

I saw it with 2 of my friends, but the thing is, we came in a little late (like maybe 15 min. or so) so I was really confused as to what was going on. Basically it's about a British society that's childless? There's also mass terrorism and war in Britain? And some black girl gets pregnant?

Mollie Back · 18 years ago
y'know, I didn't care much for it, either. I wanted to like it--it had looked so good, so thought-provoking. I'd heard the best things about it. But was disappointed, for the most part.
Starfox · 18 years ago
all Oscars...buncha self serving idiots. They wouldn't know good cinema if it bit them on the hiney.
Will work for anime · 18 years ago
Seeing as that's the only one out of the bunch that i've seen, I guess I vote for that one...It was great! Tho i do want to see Little Miss Sunshine and Babel.
nate... · 18 years ago
This one:

danced with Lazlo Back · 18 years ago

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