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Poll: What's your favorite major song from The Rocky Horror Picture Show? |
What's your favorite major song from The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
Andrea Krause
· 20 years, 9 months ago
I had to pick huh even though I know full well what the options are. I just don't like Rocky Horror.
goovie is married!
· 20 years, 9 months ago
i'm hoping the other rocky fans just haven't voted yet. come on, people. show some love. give yourselves over to absolute pleasure. etc.
· 20 years, 9 months ago
RHPS rocks my socks. It's one of those things that you love or hate. I love it! I've played Janet, Magenta, Rocky, Crim, Trixie and have been a Tranny. Not to mention the times I've been a SuperSexy Audience member. :) Our cast website is www.thezenroom.com. (The VTC, Seattle Cast)
Anyway, the movie is lots of fun and (imo) people that don't go to see it in the theatre with a cast and audience participation are missing out on a good time.
· 20 years, 9 months ago
I voted Time Warp because I have more memories attatched to it, but I'm also awfully fond of the dance mix of sweet transvestite sung by Giles :-)
Seeing it in a theater is definitly worth doing, although I wouldn't make it your first time seeing the movie ever.
I picked "There's a Light" because it earworms me at random times ;)
100% dainty!
· 20 years, 9 months ago
Where was that option?? That song ROCKS live!
i picked timewarp though. but it was hard to decide!!
Perhaps it's because they had steam on Monday, steam on Tuesday, steam on Wednesday.....
I killed that option. I had to nuke one to make room for the "huh?" option, so i picked the shortest title. :)
�I've dressed up as Columbia a couple of Halloweens. Including joining Carey and a few other girls who were dressed up as Wizard of Oz characters. That was surreal. I've gone to the theater in costume twice- once as Columbia and once as Magenta. And I've seen the stage show. In Fredneck, of all places. I picked "Rose Tint My World" btw.� Hard decision.
i wanted to go to the stage show in fredneck a few years ago but kept forgetting to get tickets.
i've seen it in the theater a few times but never actually dressed up. i should do that one of these days, now that i'm in a city where they show it on a regular basis. and yes. that halloween was mightily surreal. :)
· 20 years, 9 months ago
... is the obvious one, but I didn't pick it.
Because "Dammit, Janet" earworms me at the strangest times. I also like Touch-a Touch me and Sweet Transvestite. So choosing was rather random. :D
Jill Leopardina Fr�dman
· 20 years, 9 months ago
I picked Science Fiction Double Feature cos it's my favourite to perform...that, and it has some of the best callbacks...
"I know Leo G Carrol was [f*cking a sparrow] when Tarantula [took LSD]" LICK IT, B*TCH!" *grin* Oh, and the recording of Daphne Rubin-Vega singing in from the Broadway OCR is *phenomenal*. Rowr.
Nick Collins
· 20 years, 9 months ago
I had to choose Sweet Transvestite, cause that's the one I know how to play on guitar, although I am a fan of all the songs. That is, it is my favorite from the movie, but I loved the Broadway version of Time Warp when Joan Jett as Magenta was singing it, that made me happy.
Pentecost Andrew!
· 20 years, 9 months ago
Dude, did I miss it, or was Rocky's "I just got born" song not on there?
Man, I hate how that damned song gets cruelly shafted. It's not even on the movie soundtrack. Feh.
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 20 years, 9 months ago
How many of you have seen the version with Superheroes on it? I did the first time I saw it but not since then.
the shitty thing is 20th century fox pussied out and so the dvd doesn't allow you to watch the full length movie with both superheroes andonce in a while placed into their respective places in the movie.� i sorta understand, since they chopped up a fair amount of the scene where once in a while should have been, which is why it's like 4 different shots of janet getting worried in frank's lab�before sex0ring the rockster.� even still, the option to watch superheroes at the end without going to the stupid extras menu wouldn't have been the dumbest idea anyone ever had.� gotta like that black and white easter egg though.
i don't know if i've ever seen it *without* superheroes...
Brian Dinsky
· 20 years, 9 months ago
BAH, you specified Rocky Horror Picture Show, as opposed to say... the london roxy cast.� i prefer that version of sweet transvestive to any version of any song in the movie soundtrack.� then again, it's tim curry vs. tim curry.� we all win.
Rachel Marie aka RAI
· 20 years, 9 months ago
The only song I know is Time Warp... but then again, I've never seen the show.
So.... is that blasphemy? The only thing I really know about the show is that we're doing Time Warp for my musical theatre group and I'm playing Magenta. Whoever that is. :o) You must first create an account to post.
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