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Great Big Sea at The Fillmore: Dinner?

   Discussion: Great Big Sea at The Fillmore: Dinner?
Gordon Elgart · 21 years ago

Any old-school (is there another kind?) Fr�heads want to meet up for dinner before the Great Big Sea show this coming Saturday the 15th at The Fillmore?� There's a good Thai place with a bad name (House of Thai) right across Fillmore St on the same side of Geary.

There must be some other old-timers who live in San Francisco and still read this message board, right?

Email me at [email protected] if this sounds like fun.


Jºnªthªn Back · 21 years ago
I'll be getting some teeth filled that day- don't think I'm up for it.
hkath Back · 21 years ago
Wow. Gordon. LTNS! If I wasn't on the other side of the continent in a different country, I'd be so there :D
Joe Navratil · 21 years ago
Yeah, there're new-school Fruheads, but that's a debate for a different topic :-)

It's too bad I pulled daddy-duty for the evening; my wife'll be at the show, but I traded her the GBS show for two Peter Mulvey shows and a concert to be named later. Of course, I'm not entirely sure she realizes that's the price, yet.
Misch Back · 21 years ago
I got traded to a hockey team for a used puck bag to be shipped later...

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