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   Discussion: INTRODUCTION
dION · 20 years ago


I'M DIOn Noland from the island of st.kitts in the caribbean, interested in meeting people from

Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 20 years ago
Hi Dion, how did you discover us?
Mamalissa! Back · 20 years ago
he turned left at Greenland
Misch Back · 20 years ago
From what? That's it? Dion Noland and here's a million dollars? Or Dion Noland and here's your own spaceship? Oh no! I get it! They got Dion! Somebody stuck Dion with a stake through the heart! Oh this is so sad. oh, Dion, I pine for you.
nate... Back · 20 years ago
Fix your link, yo... it's got some bouncy crap in front of it. :)

Misch Back · 20 years ago
nate... Back · 20 years ago
Wired for Management?

Misch Back · 20 years ago
Works for me.
jen Back · 20 years ago

Hahaha paul! Who is that, Triumph the Insult COmic Alien? teehee...


Misch Back · 20 years ago
Nope, it's Strong Bad. You can see more antics at
Barb · 20 years ago
hi I just thought I would say hi to all and say I have been a fan for 5 or so years
Tyler Kennedy · 20 years ago
Hello, My Name's Tyler Kennedy and I live in Kamloops, BC. I've been a fruvous fan for about 3 years or so, meaning that I missed any chance of seeing them in concert for now, but I suppose that's fine with me. I'll just sit back and listen to some CD's
Doktor Pepski, kommie · 20 years ago
ok, I've been on the site for a few years now, and for the good 99.99% of the community, I don't know anyone. That's ok though. so yeah, thought i would say hi and what not and see who throws one back.
renita Back · 20 years ago
hey, i'm sure i chatted with you on the wall... back in the day.
Doktor Pepski, kommie Back · 19 years, 11 months ago
hmmm...probably. Been a while since I did chat on the wall so maybe *shrugs*

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