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caroline: tired.
· 19 years, 11 months ago
hey everyone! I am new, as you very well may have guessed. I hear you are a welcoming bunch, so i thought i'd say hello! hope to talk to you soon,
Welcome Caroline! What is your favorite Fruvous song(s)?
Yeah, definitly Wood.
It's a darker album. More folky (as a whole) than any of their other albums, but still with a lot of the humor (although it's not as up front) Thornhill has some of their best work on it, although it also has some of their... no best. The good overshadows the bad though. You Will Go To The Moon was my first album. It's probably their most varied album (excluding b and c). It's a bit of a blend of Bargainville and Wood (which makes sense, seeing as it came after those two). Live Noise would be their live album. It has a pretty good mix of songs (all YYGTTM era or before) and includes some banter. C is like B in spirit, although it's much more uneven (I also think I remember hearing that it's out of print, but if so, I'm sure you can find it used online). It's worth it for the good songs though. There are also a number of fr�head-related songs on fruvous.com.
caroline: tired.
· 19 years, 10 months ago
I have some b and bargainville songs from Dan, and I just got Incredible Medicine Show,YWGTTM, and Michigan Militia (singles) and Live Noise. I have been listening to live noise nonstop since I got it, about 4 days ago. It is addicting. Since Dan and I sorta caught on to fruvous a couple of years too late, I am praying that the frulads get together soon. We have never seen them live. And I was kicking myself to learn that fruvous played at the keswick a couple of years ago, cause it is, like 10-15 minutes from my house.
And that was a kickass show, too.
And there are no recordings of it. *le sigh*
caroline: tired.
· 19 years, 10 months ago
Yeah...one more thing..Is anyone here from around the philadelphia area? I live in Elkins Park, a 'burb of philly
as in, lots of us. :D go to the member map in the links menu and check out the big contingent here. and welcome!
I'm from New York but the last time I saw Fruvous was at teh North Star in Philly.
My mistake, I forgot to add my usual caveat, "the last time I saw the except for Frucon IV. that was a post-hiatus show so I think of it differently.
caroline: tired.
· 19 years, 10 months ago
I was reading this thread and realized i didn't respond to a question earlier about my favorite fruvous song. (sorry) Anyway, this is hard one. I enjoy the satirical ones, so I like "The Greatest Man in America." I like Michigan Militia. I don't know why. It's just an awesome song. Jian is my favorite frulad, and I like Horseshoes and Fly, songs that jian fronts. They are just beautiful songs. Sorta sad, but beautiful and meaningful. I like You Will Go To the Moon, because the harmonies are great and the song just gets stuck in my head forever and I don't mind. I like Incredeble Medicine Show. I enjoy the tongue-in-cheek humor, and I grin whenever I hear it. Finally, (yeah...I could list for a lot longer than this...) -even though these aren't actual songs- I love hearing the banter on Live Noise. Some of them just make me laugh out loud (ie. naked Puppets and Kasparov vs. Deep Blue) and some of them are hilarious because I can relate. (ie PA rivalry.)
Thanks...I probably forgot some, but I sorta ran out of time...hitstory homework...
Anyway, yeah. I actually also like jian's song astronaut from "the first six songs" I forgot to mention that. It isn't actually fruvous...but related.
Thanks for the tip...I am pretty new to these forum type things. Anyway, yes horseshoes does rock...the one part about 3 minutes into the song where jian sings "look straight at the coming disaster" really soft, then "realize what you've lost" is loud and emotional and is just incredible.That is one of my favorite moments on the whole live noise cd...or maybe even all the cds...i dont know because I haven't fully listened to thornhill or YWGTTM yet.
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