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FRFF 2008 Roll Call |
FRFF 2008 Roll Call
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 17 years, 2 months ago
Who is going to be there?
I'll be there as always.
Folk musicians have stalkers? Never. Pay no attention to all those restraining orders with my name on them.
Did it say, "Wanted Dead or Alive?"
That wasn't so bad, it was the waterboarding that got to me. Pete Seeger said it was justified in extreme cases like mine.
Not sure, Jeez, you'd think you were getting married or something.
A girl named Becca
· 17 years, 2 months ago
I would love to go, but it depends on if and where I get into grad school because I might be starting classes in July. After that it depends on if and where I get a summer job and whether or not said job allows me to take time off on a weekend. Maybe I should make a flow chart.
exactly. i've got a summer class, and i have to get ready for student teaching, and and. and.
I couldn't remember who I knew who went to the South Florida Folk Fest. It was you! Did you see Four Shillings Short there?
they were there, but i missed them. i don't remember why....it was the middle of sunday afternoon...may have been weather related.
we had quite a storm saturday night - a big garage canopy took off for 200 yards in the air and sank in a gator infested lake! sunday was cold with intermittant rain.
That's what FRFF needs! A Gator infested lake! I'm writing Anne now to suggest it.
Laurel Husk
· 17 years, 1 month ago
i have not been able to go since years ago, for work, or some other reasons. i'm going to try my damndest to go! i want to see the new spot! i hear it's nice!
The monorail really makes things easier.
I also like the Spa and complimentary massages.
hey now, we're working on a mass transit system for shantytown. we gonna set up the the Shantytowne Transit Department or STD soon....
We should connect that with the Budgidome Anti-slope Rail Frigate.
No, wait... the Budgiedome Obviously Obsolete Banana Boat Ill-conceived Elevating System. Or maybe the Budgiedome All-too Delinquent And Spotty Service? I got it... the Budgiedome Intraridge Transit Choo-choo for the Hill! Either way, I'd stay away from the Big Orange Tarp Unified Line's Impractical Sleigh Maze.
I think by the Budgiedome it is more accessible to vehicles. We used to have to park away the dome. Now I park right by my tent.
Wow you used the reply button but there are so many levels I couldn't figure out what that was in response to. It sounds like it should be a punchline.
Kris 'engaged' Bedient
· 17 years, 1 month ago
I am planning for it, and I am poorasusual, so I'll be volunteering. I'll be alone this year, because the man has some weird issues with camping, but I am getting him to come out to SMAF because I mentioned the word "cabins"
I guess I lied. Meandtheman will be attending and NOT volunteering. Upper Camp Fruvous, here we come!
Melanie the Goob
· 17 years ago
The odds are looking better and better!!!
All I need to do is scrape up the cost of a ticket and find a ride from Philly... but I'll find a way!
This WILL be my 10th consecutive Falcon Ridge.
Andrea Krause
· 17 years ago
THe past couple of years I've been unable to participate at the level I'd like, but this year I hope to be back and camping. I miss my frufamily. And thanks a lot for getting the theme to MST3K stuck in my head.
So it just takes the phrase "Roll Coll" to get earwormed.
I miss MST3K
Maybe we can figure out a way to get Joel and the Bots to play the Budgiedome. We'll turn it into a movie theater.
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