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Frucon Planning
Yeah, so it took me this long to notice this thread. ;)
danced with Lazlo
· 21 years, 1 month ago
Ok, I have a new job at a new store just opening up for the first time in New York City and anticipating madness for the first 6 months to a year and i really really really need to let them know as soon as humanly possible beforehand when I will need off from work... how can we get this figured out now?
ok. It's the 21st. I'm deciding this because no one else is.
FRUCON WILL BE THE WEEKEND OF THE 21ST OF FEBRUARY!! Now someone make it happen. I mean, I'll help, but someone's got to book the hotel.
It was initialy because there�is an EFO show in Toronto on Friday, Feb. 20th at Hugh's Room.
AJ says he just assumed it had been decided for the weekend of the 21st anyway. We told Mike tonight about the Con. He was saying he wanted to talk to EFO about getting his opening spot back when they actually came, and after hearing about Con he said, and I quote, "I'll call them tomorrow." So, it's pretty decided that it's the 21st. And also possibly, a big yay! :D
Nik Chaikin
· 21 years, 1 month ago
how much can i expect to pay for frucon (excluding travel)?
From memory:
In general, the con itself is about $10 CDN If I remember right, the rooms were about $100 CDN (something like $75 US) per-night, and most people find at least one or two room mates. Beyond that, it's all up to you. Last year we went out for dinner and breakfast, and then there are any possible concerts. Hugh's Room (which is where EFO is playing if it's that weekend) tends to be cheap to get into, but dinner is slightly on the pricey side (if you feel inclined to order it). Of course, I might well be wildly off on the prices here, so anyone may feel free to correct the figures. Not counting transportation (which tends to be the big problem) I'd say look at $75 for three nights in a room with two other people, and then anywhere from $50-$100 or more, for meals and spending and such.
John J. Ryan
· 21 years ago
So, at the EFO show at BB Kings on Thursday, there was some discussion and general anticiptaion of Frucon 7.� So, what's up, peeps?� Discuss travel plans?� What you are bringing?� Anything else? I'll be up on Friday going home on Sunday, although that can be flexible.� I'll be bringing the same equipment as last year.
John J. Ryan
· 20 years, 11 months ago
How does a poker game back at the hotel sound after the EFO show is done?
Speaking of the hotel, has there been any progress in getting the room for the Con itself? Is it safe to assume that it will be at the same place last year? Not that I was there last year, but I've heard from others that it's typically at the same place for the past few years. I'm trying to price hotel and flight package deals and I would like to stay at the same hotel as the Con. Thanks.
i'll play if we play the topher grace way..."check it out: ALL REDS! WHAT UP, DAWG?!"
um. *slinks away*
Josh Woodward
· 20 years, 11 months ago
When's Frucon? :) Is anyone going to update FruCon.org?
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