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Con Thurs night

poll Are you interested in coming to the Air Farce taping?
I'll be there Thurs night and love to go
I'll be there Thurs night but not interested
I won't be there until closer to con
  21 Votes - 17 Posts
   Discussion: Con Thurs night
I can see the bunny · 20 years, 10 months ago
Hope I do this right...ok, so since I brought up the topic of going to an Air Farce taping and seeing Dave do his thing I figured I had better find out how many people are coming. :)

It's fun and afterwards we can pop next door and harrass Jian too. *g* Taping starts at 9pm and it's suggested we be there by about 8pm to get upstairs and be seated.
zil Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
hmmmm harassing jian... ;-)
I can see the bunny Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
Well, I just got an email from Dave and I've got a bit of bad news. Air Farce is taking a break that week so there's no taping on the 19th. Personally, I think Dave put them up to it. ;)
hkath Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
on the upside, it means we won't be stuck with no tables at >play, standing in the stairs or in the closed-off dining section, which is what happened to us last week since Air Farce ran late and we only got out around 10:50.
danced with Lazlo Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
Ok... we'll just have to call him at home again.
A.J. Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
Wouldn't surprise me one bit. ;)
nate... · 20 years, 10 months ago
what about, "I can't go to frucon, you insensitive clod!" ??
I can see the bunny Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Sorry, I thought that got covered in the other con poll... :)
roB! "Rob" Johnson Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, but now you've got a passable excuse, considering that the Noho Guster show has been rescheduled for that weekend. ;)
nate... Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
True dat.

I'm thinking about it.. but... it is at the calvin.... and... the calvin really suuuucks.

At least, for a rock show.
I saw ween there.... and, god... it is NOT a rock venue.

I'd even much prefer pearl street.
John J. Ryan Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
But Guster is too big for the only real venue in NoHo, the Iron Horse.
nate... Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
right, but, well, fruvous was too big for the horse too... so they just did 2 shows.

So, I think guster would fit for two shows at pearl st.

*joolee* Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
Hah!� That's why I'm not going either...there is a Guster show at my school that weekend, plus I have a performance the day before.� Grr for bad timing!� *shakes fist*
Rachel Marie aka RAI Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Or, rather, "I STILL can't go to frucon, you insensitive clod!" ;o)
Kris 'engaged' Bedient Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
I think all polls should have an option for "I'm not going, you insensitive clod", or "I couldn't see it, you insensitive clod" or anything really, I just like�calling someone an insensitive clod.
goovie is married! Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
most fhdc polls do. :)
I can see the bunny Back · 20 years, 9 months ago
Yes, ok - I get the point. I simply didn't think of it in time. And after the fact I figured since there'd already been a poll about who's going to con it'd be redundant anyway. If I ever do a poll again I'll keep all the comments in mind.

Unfortunately, it's kinda moot anyway. :(

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