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Poll: Should Pluto be considered a planet? |
Pluto; Planet or Planot?
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 18 years, 8 months ago
How do you feel about Pluto being demoted to Dwarf Planet? Do you think it should be a planet? Do you care?
I'm not sure. I liked the original solution of saying anything that isn't a satellite that is large enough to be round is a planet but was never comfortable with Ceres gaining planetary status. It was demoted to asteroid back in the 19th century.
My kids are in elementary school, and learned the order of the planets using the following mnemonic:
Mister Victor Eats Many Juicy Steaks Using No Pepper. Removing Pluto screws that all up. I think my children's mnemonic devices were given woefully inadequate consideration in this debate.
Back in the old days, when Pluto was a planet, did she serve you Nougat Pie?
The version they played at the Smithsonian in the early 80s said "nine pizza pies." That always bugged me. Were they predicting a tenth planet beginning with a "P?" Persephone perhaps?
I thought you were eccentric. I noticed that your foci do not coincide.
Then why are there mnemonics for the levels of taxonomy?
(King Phillip Came Over From Greece Saturday, etc.)
Courtesy of slashdot:
Much vodka easily makes John seek urination naturally More viagra enhances my Johnson's sexual usefulness, nightly! My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nachos (Which got a reply on slashdot of: "Your very eager mother served up something else the other night!"
I was thinking of starting a forum about mnemonics for memorizing the new order of planets. They did that on "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me." I came up with
Moxy Vrufous Easily Makes Jovial Satire Unlike Pantera. Yes it is a pneumonic for a dyslexic.
trunger is counting...
· 18 years, 8 months ago
hell!? why stop at pluto!? i move that we take of earth as a planet and maybe jupiter! and uranus has to stay no matter what since we never have a shortage of adolescant boys....
Interesting point about the pronunciation of Uranus. It was originally pronounced more properly as "your-in-us" but that was changed because it sounded like "urine us." Somehow they thought "your anus" was preferable.
isn't the original greek translation come out to "all your base are belonging to us"?
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