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Large scale organized insanity |
Large scale organized insanity
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Other that being a Fruhead what other kinds of large scale organized insanity are you involved in? I'm thinking things like SCA, Conventions, other fandoms, Burning Man, etc.
I"m not that involved in anything else now unless you want to count sports, which I guess really does count. I have season tix to the Knicks and go to many, many Met games. I've also been to Science Fiction conventions and even organized an event at one, Buffy Jeopardy.
I meant to exclude that and frucon and anything else we do as fruheads.
there are sections of FHDC devoted to it. Anyway I started the topic and I certainly meant to explicity exclude it.
Did anyone here go to FRFF before they became a fruhead? Did anyone here go not for fruvous and not knowing that other fruheads were going? Maybe some but not one person that ever posts here. The big point is we all know about FRFF, We have entire section of forums devoted to FRFF. So I was curious about other things.
I've never been to FRFF so in fact, I really don't know about it.
*raises hand* I did not know about fruvous before going to FRFF for the first time in 1999.� I was going because of Dar Williams and Cry Cry Cry and contra dancing.�I didn't even know�of Fruvous until a year later at Clearwater.� I do, however, understand your�curiosity Gordon.
*raises hand* i went to falcon ridge in 2002 as an edhead, having never heard fruvous beyond king of spain. i was quickly converted. :)
I understand that you're trying to keep the forum as what you intended, but I think this is a little harsh.� I'd also like to point out that my first Fruvous encounter was at Falcon Ridge, in 1997.�
Didn't some go to FRFF before they knew about Fruvous or even before Fruvous ever attended?
Hasn't FRFF been around for a long time?
Talked to someone who came to Strawberry Fields who was at the first couple of Falcon Ridges.� She didn't want to go back because it was too big.� Wow.
Talked to someone who came to Strawberry Fields who was at the first couple of Falcon Ridges. She didn't want to go back because it was too big. Wow.
FRFF must've come a long way! :o It's been a long time since I was at Strawberry Fields. I really need to scan my NYC pictures from 1989 so everyone can laugh at me in the 80s *g* Beatlefest!!!--- err.... the Fest For Beatles Fans.� I go there just to experience the fandom and such... and check out the memorabilia mart.� This year I met Donovan *COOL* and saw some of the Beatle Bands.� Way cool. Other than that, the crowd scariness I always hit-- Summerfest in Milwaukee-- band after band after band... and Taste of Chicago, they always get some nice talent, this year I saw Sheryl Crow as well as the amazing ELVIS Costello on the mainstage on consecutive days.� The sky opened up into a downpour 10 minutes after Elvis left the stage.� Everyone was running and screaming, it was like a Godzilla movie without anything threatening...
My point exactly. :)
Like the Ottawa Folk Festival. If I could attend every year, I would. Well, if� we're talking about sports, I have to say that I'm a Yankees fan and have seen the Bleacher Creatures, but there's also hockey.� Specifically, Cornell Big Red Hockey and being part of the Lynah Faithful.� I pretty much went to most home games while in�college�(and even a few away games) and�joined in the�various chants, taunts, and cheers that we students in Sections A and B liked to yell.� Plus, we had a pretty good pep band that joined in all the excitement and the fear of playing�there for visiting teams.�This is especially true�when we got into a goalie's head and then Cornell scores as a result.� And then there's the games we play against Harvard, when we throw fish into the rink during the introductions.� It was so much fun.
danced with Lazlo
· 21 years, 5 months ago
The Container Store. I think it counts.
Also CTY, A.K.A. Nerd Camp.
*sobs* CTY...
i'll add DI-destination imagination to the list. formerly known as OM-odyssey of the mind.
George E. Nowik
· 21 years, 5 months ago
sakuracon, the seattle anime convention that's about all i have room for. :D �-= george= -
· 21 years, 5 months ago
I go to lindy hop exchanges, workshops, there have been times when I've gone dancing regularly, anywhere from 1-4 times a week.
the vancouver exchange doesn't really count, because I live there, but I've gone to seattle numerous times just to go dancing. in fact, one of the first things I did when I got to germany was travel to munich, alone, with very limited german, in order to attend the first ever munich lindy exchange. I also crashed at the house of a local munich dude that I'd never met. I know a guy named gil who uses all his vacation time going to as many exchanges as he can all over the world, he's from chicago, but goes to the vancouver, seattle, and portland exchanges, camp hollywood, herrang (sweden) barcelona, hawaii, anywhere there's a big dance event when he can get time off work. cra-zee.
Agent Scully
· 21 years, 5 months ago
The 20th Anniversary Monkees convention (1986) in philadelphia.
That was definitely organized insanity when I was 15. :)
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Sorry I guess I was out of line. When I started this thread I meant to specifically exclude FRFF from the discussion since so many of us go there and it is a big part of the common Fruhead experience. I'm a donut so of course I forgot to put that in. That was all I was trying to say.
Not much for hemp but I love non mass produced bread and I've always wanted to ride in a balloon.
gordon and i went to a sci-fi convention in 2002, and we even dressed up. that's where we found out that adam busch has a band.
DWD! You guys went to a sci-fi convention WITHOUT ME? *cries* The closest I ever got to large-scale organized insanity was probably the time we all suddenly played kazoos. (sigh)
dwd! we would've totally invited you if it hadn't been so focused on buffy. :)
Adam Busch has a band? Why didn't he ever mention it?
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