Birki B!� Hey there fellow Fr�heads!� Just here to bring light and life to all non-evolved life forms, saying a big hello to all semi-evolved life forms, and causing severe brain damage to anyone higher up the evolutionary ladder than a demented bee. Outside of being a Fr�vous fan, I'm also a fan of HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the above excerpt being from the original radio series, Episode #7.)� Heck, I've actually got a LOT of interests...I don't know what else to tell ya about, though!� Don't want to turn this intro into a novelette, after all :)
wel-kum, glad to have you!
You will find many H2G2 fans here.
Raise your hand if you are one of them.
*Raises hand*
*raises hand and sticks out tongue*
What the!
You wanna fight or something?!
· 20 years, 8 months ago
*waves and licks herself*
· 20 years, 8 months ago
*licks carey's toe*
you're going down, beeyotch!
bring out the whipped cream and mud!
eww... not both.
Mud isn't tasty.
raises hand.
especially the radio show! i grew up on that.
Goooood stuff...I have all the episodes on MP3...still hunting the television series...
· 20 years, 8 months ago
you can buy it on vhs or loverly DVD
I recorded it off TV the first or second time it was shown on PBS.
*raises high and jumps up and down!*
"What the f#$% is that?"
"Heh... This... is a shotgun, Sol."
"It's a f#$%ing anti-aircraft gun, Vincent!"
"Well, I wanna raise some pulses, don't I?"
"You'll raise 'ell, never mind pulses!" --Snatch.
-- Pauley
First thing that came to mind when she said she was raising hell. I figured she'd appreciate it, I think we've traded Snatch. quotes before.
-- Pauley
Umm... as long as you haven't traded snatch before...
Now, I didn't say that, did I. Don't put words in my mouth. ;)
(or anything else in my mouth, either, for that matter... *shudder*)
-- Pauley
ahahaha - "why do you call him the bullet dodger?" "...cuz he..dodges bullets, avi."
I've got the soundtrack album... one of my most played tracks on iTunes, when I'm playing the album, is:
(to Rosebud) "You got a toothbrush? We're goin' to London." (back into the phone) "Do you hear that, Doug? I'M COMIN' TO LONDON!!!"
(Taxi door slam) (downs shot) (Concord takes off) (lands) (passportstamp) (taxi arrives)
"Shuddup and Si'down, you big, bald f#$%!"
-- Pauley
· 20 years, 8 months ago
so, how many lintillas do *you* have?
*raises hand and turns into a penguin*
· 20 years, 8 months ago
sorry. are you an allitnil, then?
No, but I sass a few dozen or so, Lintilla.� I'm just hoopy like that cuz I'm a cool frood who know's where his towel is...especially if this turns into an all out mud and cream war.
Do all intros break into mud and whipped cream brawls?!?! Not that I'm complaining...I mean...I like dirty wrestling as much as the next guy...� �
Usually... I mean, there are some exceptions... like when that nun joined... then it was just an orgy.
Wow...not sure if I should be jealous or frightened. Mental vacation...that's a better alternative...have a good and
all the best ones do. welcome!
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